Monday, May 8, 2017

Scott Disick, Kris Jenner Collaborate on Weird New Reality Show

For most people, the idea of entering a business partnership with their ex’s mother would be downright vomit-inducing.

But Scott Disick probably vomits every weekend, so maybe the idea of losing his lunch isn’t quite as repugnant to the Lord – especially if said partnership will allow him to cling to relevancy a little while longer.

As you’ve probably heard, Disick and Kourtney Kardashian have broken up.

We know that’s happened approximately 47,000 times in the past, but this time, it seems to be over for good.

These days, Kourtney is dating Younes Bendjima, and Scott is said to be very pissed about it.

But Bendjima is a former boxer and not the sort of guy you want to mess with, so Scott’s left with little choice but to express his frustrations passive-aggressively.

He seems to be taking a two-pronged approach to his sustained, low-key temper tantrum:

It started when Scott revealed that he’s dating Ella Ross, a 19-year-old model, who’s a little more than half Kourtney’s age.

On top of that, the Lord is trying to get Kourtney’s goat by continuing to pal around with her mom, Kris Jenner.

Scott and Kris’ friendship has always been a little weird, considering the tumultuous nature of Disick’s on-again, off-again relationship with Kourtney.

Now, things are about to get even weirder, as TMZ is reporting that Scott and Kris are partnering up on a reality show.

The series, entitled Royally Flipped, is another entrant in the already over-crowded house-flipping niche.

We’re assuming the title is a pun on Disick’s supposedly royal heritage.

Apparently, Scott will star and Kris will produce the show, which is already filming despite the fact that it has yet to garner interest from any networks.

Sources say Scott and Kris are soon to wrap a pilot in which Disick renovates two SoCal homes – one in Malibu and another in the San Fernando Valley.

No word on how Kourtney feels about the situation, but we’re assuming she’s not thrilled.

Put yourself in her shoes:

Your ex is taking petty pot-shots at you in the press and filming a reality show with your mom at the same time.

Some things could only happen to the Kardashians.
