Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Jenelle Evans Spinoff Series: Actually Happening?!

If you watch Teen Mom 2 online, you might think you’ve pretty much had your fill of Jenelle Evans.

Jenelle consistently dominates the series in terms of drama (and often in terms of screen time, as well), and she’s been testing fans’ patience from day one.

But it seems MTV execs are betting that the same frustration that leads fans to fire off angry tweets at Jenelle will also prompt them to tune into a series that focuses primarily on the Carolina Hurricane and her antics.

Yes, it’s looking like a Jenelle Evans spinoff series may already be in the works.

Evans was asked point blank if she has such a project in her future, and while she technically played it coy, she basically confirmed that The Jenelle Show is coming soon.

“Maybeeeeeee,” Jenelle tweeted, along with a winking smiley face emoji.

“Organizing takes a while.”

No one uses that many “E’s” in the word “maybe” unless they actually mean yes.

Of course, this is far from the first time that there have been rumors of a Teen Mom spinoff series.

Farrah Abraham, Kailyn Lowry, and Amber Portwood have all teased the possibility of a spinoff series in the past, but insiders believe Jenelle has the best chance of making it happen.

While it’s possible that Farrah is the franchise’s most outlandish personality, no one has consistently brought the drama quite like Jenelle.

Jenelle’s custody battles with her mother and Nathan Griffith are the stuff of soap operas.

Her ongoing feud with David Eason’s sister has taken place entirely on social media, but it still has us riveted.

Normally, we’re skeptical about reality spinoffs, as few TV personalities have enough drama in their lives to sustain one show for very long, much less two.

But with Jenelle, we’re pretty sure you could keep her on camera around the clock, a la The Truman Show, and it would never get old.

Maybe we’re wrong, and a Jenelle spinoff will make us realize that even the most bonkers of reality stars have their boring moments.

But we’re certainly looking forward to finding out.
