Tuesday, May 16, 2017

June Shannon & Honey Boo Boo: We Want Another Reality Show!

June Shannon, aka “Mama June,” aka “the worst mother in the history of reality TV with the exception of Michelle Duggar, which is really saying something” has been back in the news lately.

As you may recall, June and her family had a TLC series entitled Here Comes Honey Boo Boo that was canceled in the wake of one of the ugliest reality show scandals in recent memory.

(Again, the Duggars claim the number one spot.)

The Shannons were given the boot after it was revealed that June wad dating the man who molested her daughter and served ten years in prison for the crime.

Not the sort of thing that’s easy to come back from, but Shannon (or, more likely, Shannon’s PR team) is aware that there are two things the public loves as much as the downfall of a widely-reviled celebrity:

A comeback story, and an inspiring “weight loss journey.”

So June lost a ton of weight, and her transformation was featured on an insultingly-titled WeTV series entitled Mama June: From Not to Hot.

Unfortunately for Mama June, the show was a limited-run thing.

(You can’t really center a multi-season reality show around a quick series of medical procedures.)

Even more unfortunately, June reportedly has a plan to extend her second stint in the spotlight – and of course it involves her youngest daughter, Alana, better known as Honey Boo Boo.

Multiple outlets are reporting today that June is trying to negotiate a deal for her Alana to star in her own weight loss series.

June has publicly vowed that her daughters will not “end up” like her in terms of the obesity that’s plagued her adult years, and apparently she sees reality TV stardom as the great motivator.

It’s somewhat ironic, as June’s horrendous habit of plying her daughter with Mountain Dew and junk food is one of the bizarre quirks that drew audiences to the Shannon family in the first place.

Now, Shannon is hoping to use her daughter’s weight and health problems as leverage to get her back on the air, and not surprisingly, she’s already being slammed on social media for what many are calling an appalling act of child exploitation.

Hopefully, June will quickly realize that she’s overplaying her hand and slink back into obscurity.

But something tells us she won’t give up that easily.
