Friday, May 19, 2017

Harry Styles vs. Liam Payne: Unexpected Feud Alert!

Things are going pretty well for Harry Styles these days.

Harry is about to embark on his first world tour as a solo artist; his debut album is receiving near-universal acclaim from critics; and he recently started dating Tess Ward.

We don’t know much about her, but she’s hot and she’s a professional chef, so we’re gonna say Harry did alright for himself.

But when you’re at the top of your game, haters tend to come out of the woodwork, and the former One Direction heartthrob is currently learning that lesson the hard way.

Harry’s cover of a Kanye West song drew a deafening chorus of boos from the Internet this week.

His reference to a “baby mama” in a song lyric had detractors slamming Harry for everything from shameless attention-seeking to misogyny.

For the most part, the reaction to Harry’s first solo endeavor has been positive, but sometimes one critical voice can seem louder than 1,000 compliments.

Especially when the trash talk is coming from a supposed friend.

Asked for his thoughts on Harry’s new single, Liam Payne didn’t hide his distaste for his former band mates debut.

“Harry’s song I heard, and I’ll be honest with you, it’s not my sort of music,” he admitted.

“It’s not something I’d listen to, but I think he did a great job of doing what he wanted to do. That’s the way I’d put it best, I think.”

Now, Liam defenders will be quick to point out that Payne did say Styles “did a great job.”

But that one compliment was buried under a heap of what can only be described as the shadiest shade.

Liam appears to have realized what his comments sound more than a little harsh, and he attempted to walk back the statement by speculating that Harry wouldn’t like his solo stuff either:

“And I think the funny thing is, [Harry] would say the same thing about me because he doesn’t really listen to hip-hop music, where it’s like my song’s more [like Tyga’s] ‘Rack City,’” Payne said.

“And his song is more of a different era to something I’d listen to, I guess.”

Nice try with the self-deprecation, but comparing yourself to Tyga won’t get you out of this one, Liam.

Also, have some respect for yourself, man. Tyga?!
