Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Amber Portwood: Move Over, Farrah Abraham, I"m Gonna Be a Porn Star!

Well, this is tragic.

Remember when Amber Portwood first came home after serving her time in prison, and she seemed so optimistic about the future?

She had big plans to continue turning her life around, to help other people who’d struggled with addiction and teen pregnancy and all the other things she’d been through.

She was going to get custody of her daughter, and things were going to work out just so wonderfully.

But then that disgusting douchebag known as Matt Baier creeped his way into her life, and now it looks she’s just going to start doing porn instead.

According to a new report from TMZ, Amber and Matt took some time out of their recent L.A. trip to have a meeting with Vivid Entertainment boss Steven Hirsch.

Vivid, you may recall, is the porn company responsible for releasing so many celebrity sex tapes, including that sex tape starring Amber’s Teen Mom OG costar and arch-nemesis, Farrah Abraham.

Hirsch had been trying to get in contact with Amber for a while now, and it seems she finally agreed to meet with him.

When TMZ reached out to Amber and Matt for a statement, they simply said that “The meeting with Steven and Vivid was very professional and low key.”

They didn’t confirm whether or not a deal had been made.

So yes, there are several things to unpack here.

First off, there’s literally no other reason for this meeting to happen if Amber and Matt weren’t considering filming some porn. Let’s just put that out there and face it now.

From the sound of things, Mamber is toying with the possibility of doing a sex tape and unleashing it on the world, and we need to prepare ourselves for that.

It seems like strange timing, because the meeting would have had to happen during the same L.A. trip when Matt failed the lie detector test about cheating on Amber.

And while Amber seems pretty lukewarm in her feelings for Matt right now, their statement seems to insinuate that they’d still be down for some onscreen boning.

What did we ever do to deserve this?

It’s also interesting because they’re talking to Vivid, the same company that released Farrah’s porn.

Amber has never been one to bring up the sex tape when dragging Farrah — she focuses on her “fakeness” and her bad attitude — but Maci Bookout and Catelynn Lowell both love to bring up the tape.

Remember when Maci was so outraged by Farrah’s porn that she threatened to quit Teen Mom? Would she do the same if Amber makes her own tape?

And who could forget all the many, many (many) remarks Catelynn has made about it? Would she call her good friend Amber a “f-ckin’ hoebag”?

Only time will tell.

Stay strong, friends.
