Friday, May 26, 2017

Jennifer Lopez: Drake Was Nothing But a Booty Call!

Remember when Jennifer Lopez and Drake were briefly a thing?

Don"t worry, no one will blame if you forgot.

They were together for such a short period of time that there are still rumors the whole relationship was a ruse.

Before we even had time to come up with an amusing couple nickname (Dray-Lo? Dropez?), Drizzy and Jenny From the Block were kaput.

These days, Lopez is dating Alex Rodriguez, but that doesn"t mean she can"t take time out to take a quick jab at her most recent ex.

During a recent performance in Vegas, Lopez threw some serious Drake shade into her routine.

After the band played a few notes from Drizzy"s "Hotline Bling", Lopez paused and joked, "Huh. Booty call."

She had to know fans would over-analyze the comment and read way too much into it, so let"s do exactly that:

Is she saying Drake was nothing but a booty call?

Is she disparaging the Canadian crooner for treating her like a booty call?

Is she fondly reflecting on her time as Drizzy"s friend with benefits?

Like Shakespeare and the Bible, scholars may spend centuries trying to parse out the meaning behind J-Lo"s "booty call" comment.

We"ll update this post around the year 2300 when they finally figure it out.

For now, check out Lopez"s cryptic moment of shade in the video below:

Jennifer lopez drake was nothing but a booty call