Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Jenelle Evans: I Can PROVE Barbara Is Keeping Jace From Me!

If you watch Teen Mom 2 online, you know that the bitter feud between Jenelle Evans and her mother, Barbara, seems to have started the day Jenelle entered the world and shows no signs of letting up any time soon.

Barbara has custody of Jenelle’s oldest son, 7-year-old Jace, and Jenelle has been spent the past several years fighting for the right to raise the boy in her home full-time.

In fairness, for much of that time, Jenelle wasn’t fit to take care of a house plant, much less a human being.

These days, however, Jenelle has cleaned up her act to a surprising degree.

Sure, she’s still prone to flying off the handle now and then.

(They don’t call her the Carolina Hurricane for nothing.)

But she’s made some remarkable progress since her days as the Teen Mom trainwreck everyone knew and barely tolerated.

And yet, Babs persists in her unwillingness to surrender custody of Jace.

TM2 fans are divided on the issue, with many arguing that Babs is better able to provide a stable home life for Jace.

Others believe Jenelle when she claims that Barbara is in it for the fame, holding on to the boy so that she’ll remain on the show and continue receiving those hefty MTV paychecks.

The battle is being waged not only on camera, but on social media, where Jenelle has the clear upper-hand over her much less tech-savvy mother.

But while she usually has no qualms about going in on Barbara to prove a point, Jenelle seems to realize she went too far with a recent Instagram post.

Last night, she uploaded this screenshot of a text conversation, but deleted it just moments later:

Jenelle-Barbara Texts

“Jace is staying home we r going to the beach with Gabe and Atlas tommorrow [sic] u have had him 3 weeks in a row … maybe next week,” Barbara tweeted to Jenelle.

Not surprisingly, Jenelle isn’t thrilled with her mother’s argument, and she fired back:

“No I didn’t I’m his mother and he should be with me full time not “just for 3 weeks on weekends”. This isn’t fair, but not surprising, you saying this to me.

“You only let me have him when its convenient for you like when you need to go out of town or have me watch him. It’s ridiculous.”

If nothing else, these texts show us that Barbara really needs to turn on auto-correct and stop texting like she’s rocking a flip phone.

Also, Jenelle’s messages are going out green?

We know you’re getting paid, Babsy.

Time to invest in an iPhone, homegirl!
