Thursday, May 25, 2017

Twitter Begs ABC to Put Dirty Dancing Remake in a Corner

On Wednesday night, ABC aired an updated version of the classic movie Dirty Dancing.

No one really knows why.

It starred Abigail Breslin in the role made famous on the big screen by Jennifer Grey and Colt Prattes in the role previously played by Patrick Swayze… and it was met with universal disdain by every single person who tuned in for it.

More or less, that is.

Scroll down for a summary of Twitter reaction to the Dirty Dancing remake and then let"s never talk about it again. Let"s go ahead and put this awful film in the corner, if you will…

1. Listen to Jack Donaghy

Listen to jack donaghy

Can we please shut this thing down?

2. And Also to Jonah Hill

And also to jonah hill

No, ABC. Just… no.

3. You Had One Job!

You had one job

And we’re not talking about the carrying of a watermelon.

4. Seriously



5. Well, Someone Did

Well someone did

But they really should not have.

6. No Offense to Chris Farley

No offense to chris farley

But this sums it up.

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