Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Justin Bieber To Fans: Stop Throwing Crap at Me!

The crowds have been well-known in the past to go a little crazy over Canadian superstar, Justin Bieber. 

Conversely, Justin is also well-known for being an ass to his fans, with the singer making crazy comments at them for being excited to be in his presence. 

The 23-year-old has a legion of fans, who think if they get close enough to him, they will have the opportunity to pass their number in the hopes that he would want to hook-up. 

You would think that legion of fans would be the younger generation, but older people are just as crazy for him, too. Yes, we"re looking at you, Kourtney Kardashian. 

The singer has a knack for cutting concerts at the drop of a hat, so forgive us for being shocked that he continued with his performance at Summerburst Festival in Stockholm after a water ball was thrown at his head. 

Yes. At his head. 

All of the drama stemmed from a belieber"s request for the sex symbol to sing Luis Fonsi and Daddy Yankee"s "Despacito."

Justin had a guest spot on the remix of the single, so it"s mind boggling that he does not know the words. Like, why the heck would he not know the words to a song he featured in?

Although Bieber has performed the hit song in the past, he has never memorized the lyrics, instead opting to just make up the words as he goes along. 

We"re not kidding. Being a highly regarded artist, you would think that would mean there would be a hint of professionalism. That"s not the case here. 

There"s only so long you can fake it, and it seems like Justin is over faking the lyrics. His most recent performance of the song was last month in New York City. 

However, his performance was an embarrassing mess that sounded like something you would hear in one of the comical auditions on American Idol. 

"I don"t know the words, so I say "Dorito" / I don"t know the words, so I say "Dorito" / I don"t know the words, so I say "Dorito" / Despacito."

After making some noises, he sang, "I ate a burrito / I just want a burrito."

You can probably understand why he does not want to sing the song again, let alone hear about it. 

Upon hearing the request, Bieber said: "I don"t even know it."

It was at that moment the singer had to dodge a bottle of water that was lobbed at him from a fan. 

Bieber was not impressed, replying: "Don"t throw things at me please." 

This is a stark contrast to events that transpired in Brazil in 2013. A water bottle was thrown at him, knocking his microphone out of his hand. 

He wasted no time in departing the stage and pulling the plug on the rest of the show. Fans were already irate with him because he was over 60 minutes late to kick off the concert. 

Maybe he"s matured in in recent years. Regardless of what Justin did on stage, it"s not a good look to be throwing objects onto the stage while someone is performing.

Have some manners, you guys.  

Have a look at the full video of the incident below. 

Justin bieber to fans stop throwing crap at me