Thursday, June 22, 2017

Beyonce Baby Names: Finally Revealed?!

Get ready, loyal denizens of the Beyhive.

As you’re no doubt well aware, it’s been four days since Beyonce welcomed twins, and there’s still no word on their names.

Now, we finally know how your queen’s newest descendants have been christened.

Well, maybe.

We’re still relying on unconfirmed rumors at this point, but hey – at least they’re rumors that make a whole lot of sense.

A source at the hospital where the Bey-bies entered the world tells The Hollywood Gossip that the newest Carters have been named … Sean and Bea (pronounced “Bee”).

A little anti-climactic, and certainly not as original as Blue Ivy, but if you’re Beyonce and Jay-Z, and you’re seeking inspiration, it’s silly to look anywhere other than the mirror.

Sean, of course, comes from Sean Carter, the birth name of J-Hova.

And Bea, well … we think you can figure that one out for yourself.

Our source tells us Bea was selected for its Latin meaning – “bringer of joy” – and if there’s a more apt description for Beyonce, we haven’t heard it.

Now, it’s possible that the Carters are just staying several steps ahead of the game (as usual) by releasing the names as decoys.

Such a savvy move certainly wouldn’t surprise us.

We suggest everyone start bombarding them with personalized gifts until they either confirm or deny the rumors.

We call it generous harassment.

(And we’re joking. Please don’t actually do that.)

In all seriousness, whatever the names turn out to be, we’re sure they’ll be perfect.

Sources close to the Carters say Blue Ivy helped name the twins, and we’re kind of holding out hope that she stuck with the color and climbing plant theme (Green Honeysuckle and Red Bougainvillea, anyone?), but Blue is considerably cooler than we are, so we’re sure she picked something fierce with no need for input.

Speaking of cool, the twins have set a new standard in just a few days on the planet.

Beyonce’s twins are Geminis, and it’s good to know that that sort of effortless flawlessness has been passed down.

It’s hard to improve on Sean and Bea as names, but stepping her game up when we didn’t think it wss possible is pretty much what Bey does best.
