Monday, June 26, 2017

Man Donates Kidney to Stranger, Shares Letter from Recipient

In January of 2017, a Reddit user from Oklahoma with the user name "TheBartian" donated one of his kidneys to a complete stranger.

Three months later, this hero received a letter from the individual whose life was saved by this selfless gesture.

In response to that moving response, TheBartian has shared the man"s letter online, along with his motivation for donation, in the hope that it will spur others to make this same incredible decision.

Scroll down to familiarize yourself with a story that has received over 40,000 upvotes on Reddit, along with endless praise and admiration…

1. This is the Letter He Received

This is the letter he received

This is what it says: “Hello, my name is [redacted]. I am 63 years old and I have a son named S. When S. was 6 years old his mother passed away after battling cancer for 5 years. This has put me and my son very close. After many years I remarried a lady named [redacted]. We live on a small farm in a town called [redacted]…”

2. Continues the Letter:

Continues the letter

“I now have 3 grandsons named [redacted], [redacted],and [redacted]. My son and my 3 grand sons are my life, I do not do anything without one of the 4. Because of the gift you gave me on Jan 5th 2017 I think I will get to see more basketball games, more baseball games, and more football games…”

3. It Concludes:

It concludes

“I really want to thank you from the bottom of my heart, because of you I am going to have a better and longer life.”

4. The Gesture Was a Long Time Coming

The gesture was a long time coming

In a series of message, TheBartian explained in detail why and how he arrived at this decision.

5. If at First You Don’t Succeed…

If at first you dont succeed

… try, try again to be a hero.

6. It’s Not an Easy Process

Its not an easy process

That’s what makes this story even more amazing. It wasn’t some quick decision made without any real though being given. He had to REALLY want to do it.

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