Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Mac Miller"s Ariana Grande Birthday Message Will Touch Your Heart

Ariana Grande is pure goodness and delight and talent, all contained in one very tiny body. She deserves birthday wishes.

After the trauma of the Manchester bombing, Ariana deserves all of the birthday wishes.

Well, she turned 24 yesterday, and she got a very sweet and public birthday tribute message from one of the people closest to her — boyfriend Mac Miller.

I may have the romantic soul of a Disney villain, but Mac Miller’s affectionate birthday message to Ariana Grande touches even my heart.

“Happy Birthday to this adorable pure soul who has reminded me what being happy feels like.”

That is so sweet.

And we have to agree with his characterization of her.

(Though the fact that he’d forgotten what happiness felt like before he met her is kind of a downer!)

“Thank you for loving me so good. I think it’s supposed to be ‘so well’ but I don’t care.”

He’s right, in that it absolutely should be “so well,” but language can adjust (within limits) for colloquial speaking, especially over social media.

(Up to a point)

And here was the accompanying photo:

It’s worth noting that “loving me so good” has different connotations than “loving me so well.”

That is to say that it sounds like he’s complimenting her sexual prowess rather than thanking her for her emotional affection.

But, while that would make sense, he might not be conscious of it.

And let’s not speculate on their sex life, even though Ariana’s lyrics would make for some great 

“I love you and can’t wait for all of the adventures.”

That sounds like an incomplete thought, right?

Like, “can’t wait for all of the adventures” is sweet, but vague.

Maybe he’s not trying to use a birthday message to publicly convey his plans for the future.

They’re not married, so “can’t wait for all of our adventures for the rest of our lives” would be too much.

But it’s important to note that, as we’ve already discussed, Ariana Grande and Mac Miller might actually get married.

Apparently as a gesture — but not a proposal — Mac Miller bought a diamond ring for Ariana.

And she, in turn, is choosing to wear it on her engagement finger.

So, you know … that sounds pretty commitment-y to us.

It’s possible that Mac is hinting at their plans for the future, but we’re going to have to try to not read too much into it.

Their relationship has already been part of Ariana’s post-Manchester healing process — relationships can help with recovery.

Though Ariana’s been quick to thank her fans for helping her process things.

We don’t know the real ins and outs of Ariana and Mac’s relationship, because no one does except for these two love-birds.

This is just a very sweet message that she decided to make public.

Just like we don’t know why Mac Miller dresses like a London chav (he’s from Pennsylvania).

We just know that Ariana loves Mac Miller (despite his dumb hats) and we’re happy for them.
