Thursday, June 1, 2017

Tiger Woods DUI Arrest Video: Released!

A dashcam video recorded from a police cruiser and documenting golf legend Tiger Woods" arrest for DUI last week has been released.

Police say Woods was passed out behind the wheel when they approached his vehicle. He sure looks zonked in the footage.

The incident took place roughly eight miles from Tiger"s home in Jupiter, Florida, not California, as reported … by Woods at the time.

Asked where he was headed, an obviously disoriented Woods told police he believed he was in L.A., driving toward Orange County. 

Swaying, incoherent and unable to even tie his own shoes, Tiger was a mess, and an officer said that he smelled the "odor" of alcohol.

Woods insists he was not drunk at the time.

In the clip, an officer asks the 14-time major champion to bend over and tie his shoes. He almost topples over, staring off into space.

“It’s really hard to get down there,” he says.

The officer responds: “Do you want to try this one more time or do you want to move on?” Woods then tried again, with similar results.

Asked to stand and follow the officer’s pen light with his eyes, the 41-year-old clearly didn"t do a good job of that task either.

"You’re not following the light at all,” the officer said, and Woods’ attempt to walk a straight line completed an epic fail trifecta.

Barely able to stand in place, let alone do as instructed, the golfer bobs and weaves all over the line as the police observe him.

Woods was subsequently booked for DUI.

In a statement, he said that alcohol was not a factor and blamed this on an "unexpected reaction to prescription medications."

He was later shown to have a .000 blood alcohol level after the arrest, backing up his claim to have been booze-free at least.

It"s not clear how this will play out in court, but photos of the golfer"s car show he had a couple of flat tires prior to the arrest.

The car was damaged on the front driver"s side bumper and rear bumper, with scrapes and scuffs, with the rear tail light out.

Police say it was all fresh damage, meaning Woods likely drove off the road at some point before the police located him.

He’s lucky he didn"t kill someone or himself; Tiger is due back in court on July 5 to face charges related to this incident.

Tiger woods dui arrest video released