Friday, June 16, 2017

North West Turns 4: The Kardashian Clan Celebrates with Cute Pics!

Though rumors continue to swirl about Kim Kardashian and Kanye West’s marriage troubles, it looks like they weren’t going to let that ruin their daughter’s special day.

Because North West turned 4 on Thursday, and her family shared photos from their celebratory get-together.

And North is just too cute.

This was her fourth birthday, and we don’t know if Thursday’s celebration was her full party or just a little gathering to mark the day.

Remember that, in the past, North’s birthday parties have actually been massive extravaganzas.

When she turned 3, North West had a mermaid birthday party with cousin Penelope Disick.

So maybe Thursday was the real deal and an opportunity to celebrate with family — a very different affair from having a bunch of little friends visit.

Or maybe they just decided to split things up — and will have a party when everybody can make it.

Sometimes it’s best to have two gatherings, so that you can celebrate with family and friends without it being awkward or having to hop between two totally different group like a sitcom character who’s double-booked his date night.

We’d hate to think that her family’s getting fatigued by the larger events already.

After all, how many people remember their birthdays when they’re little versus when they get a little bit older?

Like, I remember a little bit about my second birthday, and a lot more about my fourth — and then remember every party vividly starting when I turned 5.

It would be a shame for North West, who can have any part she imagines, to miss out on making memories at the large ones, you know?

By the way, while she’s certainly growing up fast, you just have to see her in a room filled with birthday balloons to be reminded that she’s still tiny.

Kourtney’s having family problems, but that didn’t stop her from sharing that cute photo of North on Snapchat.

And she’s so small that we didn’t even notice that she was in the picture at first.

Of course, no matter how old she gets, North probably won’t ever be especially tall.

Because almost her whole family is short.

Like, of the Kardashian girls, Khloe and Kendall are the “tall” ones … at 5-foot-10.

That’s … not tall.

Anybody under 6 feet is short — sorry, I don’t make the rules.

(Disclaimer: I’m not sorry and I do make the rules)

North’s parents are Kim, at 5-foot-3, and Kanye, at 5-foot-8.

They are so little.

And we fully expect North to follow in their tiny, tiny footsteps.

We guess that we’ll find out over the weekend — or perhaps even later — if North is in for another extravagant carnival of pre-kindergarten delights.

Like, four is for sure old enough to be making friends, so we’re sure that she’ll want to celebrate with them.

But regardless, we know that her parents absolutely adore her.

You don’t have to show your love with huge parties, even if you’re rich.

… But it’s still nice.
