Thursday, June 1, 2017

Ariel Winter: Focus on My Hot Body, Not My Old Boyfriend!

Ariel Winter is a gift to this world, that much is undeniable.

It barely even makes sense how hot she is.

But as much as we go on and on (and on and on and …) about her cleavage and her love of bikinis and all that, we can’t forget that she’s got a neat brain on top of all that hotness.

And that brain of hers is currently working overtime to correct some misconceptions made from a recent interview.

The interview was with Refinery 29, and it was done for their “Take Back the Beach” series — stories about body positivity and confidence and all those wonderful, important things.

But while Ariel made a lot of great quotes about the topic, she also mentioned her boyfriend, Levi Meaden, as well as Donald Trump.

And guess what people are focusing on?

For the part about Levi, Ariel was asked about criticism she’s received for moving in with him already, and for the age difference between them — she’s 19, he’s 29.

“I’m happy, and whatever people want to say, they can say,” she answered. “I don’t understand why someone would even comment on our situation at all.”

“There are tons of people of all ages that live with their boyfriend. There are tons of people that live with their girlfriends, tons of people that don’t live together and are super happy.”

“But I’m super happy in the arrangement that we have,” she said. “We love living together. It’s just great.”

Then, about Trump, she said that, thanks to him, women are “being objectified and made to feel bad about ourselves, so I think it’s really important for women to stick together and do the opposite of that.”

“To let their bodies be seen and be heard, and to empower each other; to remind each other that what they look like is not the only thing that’s important when it comes to who they are.”

Unfortunately, those insightful quotes led to other stories about how Ariel is “defending” her boyfriend and how she’s “firing back” at Trump.

And Ariel’s not down with it.

In a lengthy Instagram post, she wrote “Y’all I love you but PLEASE pay attention and post my REAL point from my @refinery29 interview!!!”

“Not that I’m ‘defending living with my 29 year old boyfriend’ or that I’m ‘firing back at Trump’ because first of all I don’t need to defend anything.”

“I’m super happy and in love,” she continued, “and I’m not firing at anyone just sharing an opinion after being ASKED!”

She said that the point of the interview was “to take back the beach and help people understand that the beach should be a safe space to go as you place and feel good about yourself no matter what!”

“Makeup on, makeup off, heels, sandals, covered up, exposed, do you and feel HAPPY about who you are and YOUR choices, not the ones society wants us to choose.”

Ariel admitted that it’s “HARD to be 100% confident — I’m still not — but I’m on a journey and I want other people to know they’re not alone.”

“We all struggle but through our struggle we get stronger and closer to our goals.”

“Body positivity is important,” she wrote, “not that I live with my boyfriend.”

She finished her post with “Love yourselves, love others, be yourselves, and be happy.”

We really, really don’t deserve this girl.
