Tuesday, June 20, 2017

21 People That Are Actually Named This

Bart Simpson has spent many years trying to convince Principal Skinner that Seymour Butts is an actual person to whom he would like to speak.

As far as we know, this isn"t the case.

But we"ve scoured the Internet and come across a handful of people with names that may seem as though they came straight from the mind of Bart…

… yet are 100% real! We swear!

See for yourself below…

1. Dr. Will Tickel

Dr will tickel

Yes he will! And he will also cure what ails you.

2. Jolly Mangina

Jolly mangina

We mean… yeah. Have you ever met a sad mangina?

3. Christopher Robin

Pooh will be so disappointed

Pooh Will Be So Disappointed! No honey for you tonight, Christopher Robin.

4. Charity Beaver

Charity beaver

We’re a family site. Go make a joke on your own time please.

5. Hardy-Harr

Hardy harr

Don’t laugh! They really are happy and married!

6. Judy Graham Swallows

Judy graham swallows

Yeah, but Derek Jeter sucks! Wait… that’s not how it goes.

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