Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Tamra Judge Caught Off Guard by Diss Track on The Real Housewives of Orange County!

The Real Housewives of Orange County are back.

We have a RHOC episode recap if you missed it, but what we really want to talk about is one particular, musical aspect of the rivalry between Vicki Gunvalson and Tamra Judge.

Because the former friends don’t just quarrel on the show — there’s an actual song bashing Tamra. And Vicki has it … and it got worse for Tamra from there.

So, a rap song that insults Tamra Judge played on the season premiere of The Real Housewives of Orange County.

That premiere was last night, folks.

And, apparently Tamra didn’t even know about it in advance.

“Tamra had no idea it was going to be on the show, and now she’s freaking out.”

Amazing to think that nobody in production thought to warn her.

This is such a big deal because the song isn’t exactly available online.

Like, if it were just floating around the interwebs, we’d be happy to make sure that everyone heard it.

But it’s basically scrubbed.

Except that Vicki got a hold of it, because of course she did, and she played a bit of it.

The song, “Lie Lie Lie,” doesn’t just make a rude reference to Tamra.

It’s a full-on diss track.

And there’s some collateral damage.

Cory Larrabee created it, and it seems that he has some interesting ideas about Tamra and her husband, Eddie.

“She found another man he was a gay sex slave.”

Well, we can’t speak to Eddie’s sexual orientation.

But that sounds more than a little far-fetched, right?

“She got him out of debt in exchange for a wedding day.”

That is a very inventive story.

It sounds like the backstory for a great episode of, like, a police procedural or something.

But, even if Eddie sets off some people’s gaydar … it doesn’t sound like a likely story.

You can see how it would get under Tamra’s skin, though.

Especially since the next set of lines might hit a little closer to home.

“Once upon a time there was a dumb hoe.”

That’s sure a creative way to begin, but continue.

“She snapped a dirty pic and sent it from her phone.”

Now those lyrics are especially damning.

Because, as you may recall, Tamra Judge is accused of distributing pics of Vicki Gunvalson’s boobs.

These are grown, adult women, but yeah.

Like, this is a little more ambiguous than Rob Kardashian posting revenge porn of Blac Chyna.

Because, first of all, it’s merely alleged that Tamra shared topless photos of Vicki.

And these weren’t photos exchanged between friends or intimate partners.

Vicki was showing her breasts in front of cameras, to a costars husband over FaceTime.

(Isn’t technology amazing?)

Though Tamra is accused of sending them to a 15-year-old, somehow, so maybe she doesn’t quite have the moral high ground.


Tamra Judge doesn’t care about haters, supposedly.

Everybody wants people to think that they don’t care, but most people, deep down, do.

They can’t help it.

That has to hurt.

Especially since Vicki Gunvalson is the queen bee of The Real Housewives of Orange County anyway.

Playing that song seemed like kicking Tamra while she’s down, you know?

Or maybe punishing her for returning for yet another season.

Maybe this is setting the stage and, during the course of this season, Lydia will repair the relationship between these two.

But if Vicki and Tamra were back to being friends by the time that this aired, surely Vicki would have warned her that the diss track would play on air!
