Friday, July 21, 2017

Amber Portwood: Faking Matt Baier Drama on Teen Mom OG?!

If you watched the latest season of Teen Mom OG, or even if you just like to keep up with the moms on social media or through gossip sites, you know Amber Portwood hasn’t been having the greatest time.

And that’s largely because she decided, for some unfathomable reason, to invite the evil known as Matt Baier into her life.

It’s also because Amber has several severe mental health issues and a long, long history of bad things, but for now, let’s just focus on Matt.

Thanks to the magic of MTV and their ever-present cameras, we’ve seen several terrible things go down for the doomed couple.

In the last season, we saw Amber become increasingly wary of Matt’s motives, especially when he tried to pressure her into marrying him in Las Vegas.

They went along with some friends of theirs who were getting married, and while they were checking out chapels, Matt asked her if they could have their own wedding.

She was extremely hesitant, but he kept pushing, and eventually she told him that she needed to call her brother and talk it through with him.

When she did, her brother told her that she was an adult and could do as she pleased, but she ultimately decided not to go through with it.

She told him she wanted her family with her when they got married, especially her daughter, and he told her that he understood and that it was fine.

Then, when she wandered off, he told a producer that he would never marry her, and that she wanted to marry her brother, who he referred to as a “f-cking f—–.”

It wasn’t pretty, and things only got uglier from there.

After they returned home from Vegas, Amber began hearing rumors that Matt cheated on her, and she promptly freaked out.

Eventually she had him take a lie detector test, which showed that while he was telling the truth about not cheating on her, he did lie about some sexual advances he made to a certain woman.

She dumped him then, though she would eventually take him back for a little while — that was the season finale.

Oh, and in between those events, he also tried giving out random pills to her co-workers, which was also not cool.

The point is that there have been many, many issues between Amber and Matt this season.

And according to Simon Saran, at least one of those issues was completely fake.

Earlier this week when he went on a big Twitter rant about Farrah Abraham and their latest feud, he also did a quick little question and answer session about Teen Mom in general.

In those tweets, he claimed that one of the show’s executive producers repeatedly makes fun of Gary Shirley’s weight, and that each of the moms make $ 300,000 per season.

He also claimed that “The Amber and Matt wedding scene was fake. It’s been shot more than once.”

We’re assuming he’s talking about the Las Vegas debacle.

We’re also having a hard time believing him.

For one, how does he know what goes on with the other moms? If he made claims about something Farrah filmed, that would make sense, but he and Amber don’t even get along.

And for two, are Amber and Matt really so good at acting that they could fool all the people who watched that scene?

It’s something interesting to think about for sure, but unless more evidence comes up, we’ll just continue on thinking that Matt is the worst for the time being.

Thanks though, Simon.
