Thursday, August 10, 2017

Kailyn Lowry Shares ADORABLE Photos of New Baby with Isaac and Lincoln!

Look, we all know that there’s a lot of stuff going on with Kailyn Lowry right now.

She just gave birth to her third child, all three kids have different fathers, she’s not romantically involved with the new baby’s dad … we know all that.

But while sometimes it’s fun to get into the drama, how about, just this once, just even for a few moments, we set it aside?

Instead of focusing on Kailyn’s questionable decision-making skills or how active Chris Lopez is going to be with this baby, why don’t we just focus on the positive aspects of this situation?

After all, there’s a seriously precious new baby in the Teen Mom universe, and that’s certainly something worth celebrating!

Although Baby Lo still doesn’t have a name, we know that he does have some killer hair.

And thanks to some new photos Kailyn shared, we also know that he’s got two big brothers who look very excited to welcome him into the world:

This is so cute it hurts, isn’t it?

Isaac and Lincoln just look so thrilled to have a brand new baby brother, and as for Baby Lo himself …

He’s almost too adorable.

A lot of Kailyn’s followers are also pointing out that little Baby Lo looks quite a bit like Isaac did when he was a baby, and we can see the resemblance.

Which is lucky for him — Isaac has to be one of the cutest kids in the world, hands down.

In addition to having two doting big brothers, Baby Lo also seems to be enjoying breastfeeding!

“Shout out to breastfeeding moms!” she tweeted yesterday. “I forgot about cluster feeding. This mom is tired.”

Then, a little later, she asked her followers “What’s bigger, pregnancy appetite or nursing appetite?”, which leads us to believe that Kailyn is currently living her life with a baby on her breast and snacks in her face.

As for the baby name, she explained that she still hasn’t decided on one — which is fair. It’s a big decision.

“Isaac said the name Murphy was ‘eh, ok… for a dog,’ and also suggested Francis. Lunc is still adamant about naming baby Lo ‘Climber,"” she wrote.

We have to agree with Isaac on both of his thoughts, and Climber Lowry-Lopez has a certain ring to it too, doesn’t it?

But it does sound like she’s considering a more realistic option.

One of her followers suggested the name Milo, and she responded with “Yes! That one keeps coming back to me!”

She does have some time though — in Delaware, you have ten days after the baby’s birth to choose a name for the birth certificate.

Whether she goes with Milo (which actually is very, very cute) or Climber or Francis or something different entirely, what a lovely little family she has here.

Congrats, Kailyn!
