Monday, August 21, 2017

Paola Mayfield: 26 of the 90 Day Fiance Star"s Hottest Photos!

Paola Mayfield of 90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After? got married to Russ and the two of them are still living together.

It"s not always clear if Paola"s ever after with Russ is actually all that happy, though.

They"re clearly crazy about each other, so things are going way better for these two than for a lot of other 90 Day Fiance couples.

Paola is a gorgeous fitness model from Columbia, and she wants to pursue her career.

Russ, though he loves Paola and eventually even moved to Miami so that she could pursue her career, is from Oklahoma. He has some old-fashioned ideas about how much of Paola"s sinful flesh should be exposed to other people. For instance, he doesn"t want Paola wearing lingerie out of the bedroom.

We get it; she"s hot. But it"s her meat prison and she can show as much of it as she likes.

He knew that she was a model when they got married.

Paola also has to fight off criticism from some really nasty haters who flood her comments, shaming her for having a body and for pursuing her career when, in their minds, she should be home-making for her lord husband or whatever the gender roles folks thing that wives are supposed to do.

Thankfully, Paola Mayfield slams her critics, but it"s sad that she gets hate in the first place.

Anyway, Paola is gorgeous beyond measure, so please enjoy this set of photos that she has shared, including some of her absolute hottest looks. Her career could go a long way.

1. Paola looks great in blue

Paola 01

She also looks great in everything, but the blue nails are a softer match for her blue top. That’s what you were looking at, right?

2. This one’s older, but … very good

Paola 02

Paola Mayfield and Russ, back in her days of sporting brown hair. We prefer her with blonde hair, but this is one of her best pictures, ever. Because of reasons.

3. Abs-olutely gorgeous.

Paola 03

Seriously, Paola’s abs could kill people. And they’d say “thank you” as they died. Dang, girl.

4. Every side of Paola is her good side

Paola 04

Even her backside

5. Paola Mayfield: hot in glasses

Paola 05

We’re not going to call this a “nerd-hot” photo. Nerdiness is who you are, not how keen your eyesight happens to be.

6. She needs a new shower curtain

Paola 06

She looks great, we don’t understand how that bikini top works, and … that shower curtain is great but so distracting for her mirror selfies. Hard to focus on abs when you see sea critters.

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