Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Gwen Stefani: Hiding Her Blake Shelton Baby Bump?!

Are you sick of hearing about all the Gwen Stefani pregnancy rumors yet?

Of course not — how could you be?!

Because, don’t forget, one day those rumors could finally be true.

And on that day, we’ll know that the world will soon be blessed with a precious little baby that is half Gwen Stefani, half Blake Shelton.

What a gift that would be, right?

But with all that being said, if you still can’t help but feel a little bit exasperated about all the many, many rumors, that’s normal.

For the past year or so, and especially for the past few months, it feels like we’ve been hearing that Gwen is pregnant every other day.

Every other minute, almost.

It’s exciting, but it’s also hurtful when time goes by and there’s no baby bump to be seen.

Except this time, for this particular rumor, that might not be the case!

According a source close to Gwen who spoke with Hollywood Life, “Gwen’s body language lately has been that of someone that is in the early stages of pregnancy.”

Meaning that “The way she has recently started to carry herself is the same as when she was carrying Apollo.”

“She is walking differently and holding her body differently, almost covering up or protecting her belly the exact same way she did last time she was pregnant.”

It sounds promising, doesn’t it?!

After all, Gwen has carried three children, it’s probably safe to say that the people close to her can tell the signs by now.

But there’s still more cuteness to hear about!

The insider also said something that we’ve been hearing for a while — if she is pregnant again, she hopes to have her first girl.

“She has always wanted a girl and she is really in love with Blake,” the source explained.

“She loves Blake and they are a perfect couple,” and “she would certainly be overjoyed to have his baby.”

Getting a little vague but still super precious, the source added that “Blake and Gwen are inseparable, they spend almost every night together and a baby might be on the way for the happy couple!”

It’s definitely possible — just earlier this month, we heard that Gwen has started using alternative medicine to help her conceive!

She’s allegedly been getting acupuncture, and she’s also said to be visiting with a Chinese herbalist with the goal of increasing her fertility.

She’s also been doing some hypnosis “because she knows there’s a huge mind-body connection and she’s got a good friend that swears that helped her get pregnant in her 40s.”

Though we already know getting pregnant in her 40s isn’t a big deal — she gave birth to her youngest child when she was 43.

So did the alternative medicine stuff work? Is she actually pregnant? Can be we expecting an announcement within the next few months?!

Unfortunately, only time will tell.
