Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Kathy Griffin Retracts Apology for Decapitated Donald Trump Photo: What Did She Say?!?

We think it’s fair to say that Kathy Griffin’s career has hit a lull since her controversial photo shoot which involved her posing with Donald Trump’s decapitated head.

Despite there being a lot of naysayers about Donald Trump, a lot of them leaped to his defense when the image started doing the rounds all over the media earlier this year. 

In short, it was a terrible thing to do, and Kathy lost out on a lot as a result of it. She was fired from her hosting gig on CNN, and her tour was canceled because the sheer amount of hate being sent towards her. 

But what did she really expect to happen when she posed with the decapitated head of the President of the United States? Kathy realized very quickly what she lost and released a video apologizing. 

I sincerely apologize,” she said in the clip at the time.

“I am just now seeing the reaction [to] these images. I’m a comic. I cross the line. I move the line, then I cross it. I went way too far. The image is too disturbing. I understand how it offends people. It wasn’t funny. I get it.”

Everyone makes mistakes, so some were likely happy that the comedian came out and owned up to her mistake. So, color us surprised to find out that she is now taking her apology back. 

Speaking with Austalia’s Sunrise, the disgraced comedian wasted no time and cut straight to the chase when the topic came up. 

“I’m no longer sorry,” she boldly declared in the interview.

“The whole outrage was BS. The whole thing got so blown out of proportion.”

Now, some people definitely did take their hate to extreme measures by sending death threats to the star, but you would think it’s something Kathy would like to draw a line under. 

Instead, she seems dead set on making some money out of it as other avenues are probably drying up right about now. 

Griffin then went on to name and shame some of the people who turned against her in the aftermath. 

“I lost everybody,” she said.

“I had Chelsea Clinton tweeting against me. I had friends, Debra Messing from Will & Grace, tweeting against me. I lost everybody.”

“I have been through the mill, and I didn’t just lose one night on CNN,” she continued. “These Trump fans, they’re hardcore.”

The show’s anchor Samantha Armytage then noted that Clinton and Messing are not Trump supporters while trying to get Griffin to agree she was wrong.  

“Even Democrats said it was out of line,” she said.

“I get that comedy is about pushing the boundaries and being politically incorrect, and that’s fine. But do you not agree that that picture, holding up a severed head, I know it’s a mask covered in tomato sauce, but do you not accept that that was a little bit over the line?”

“No, you’re full of crap,” Griffin responded, before taking aim once again at Donald Trump. 

“Stop acting like my little picture is more important than talking about the actual atrocities that the president of the united states is committing.”


That’s all we can muster after that. 

What do you think about it?

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