Thursday, August 3, 2017

Luann de Lesseps and Tom D"Agostino: Divorcing!

No longer a countess, and soon, no longer even married.

Luann de Lesseps has finally taken the advice of many of her friends and fellow Real Housewives and is ending her marriage to Tom D’Agostino.

This isn’t a rumor — it’s official.

Hey, so remember when Luann de Lesseps and Tom D’Agostino definitely probably weren’t splitting up?

We can’t say that we’re surprised that they couldn’t cling to their denials.

Their relationship sounded toxic on a number of levels.

Page Six reports that Luann de Lesseps and Tom D’Agostino have filed jointly for divorce after eight years of marriage.

They filed for divorce today, folks.

The filing took place in Sag Harbor, Long Island. 

Luann confirmed the divorce on Twitter just a few hours ago:

“It’s with great sadness that Tom & I agreed to divorce. We care for each other very much, hope you respect our privacy during this sad time!”

We’re instantly reminded of Luann getting earnest advice and basically refusing to listen.

Remember when Bethenny Frankel talked about how Jason Hoppy was still tormenting her?

She described her situation as being in hell.

(Considering how recently Jason Hoppy was arraigned on new stalking charges against her, that barely sounds like an exaggeration)

If you’ll recall, Bethenny was bringing up her situation to try to convey to Luann that just following her heart or her bliss is fine and well for Disney princesses but doesn’t work out so well in real life.

Tom D’Agostino was accused again and again of cheating on Luann, pretty much throughout their relationship.

Married life hasn’t settled things down, and the two have apparently been constantly having trouble getting along.

Again, the two of them have only been married for eight months.


Cheating during a relationship happens more than most people would care to believe.

But Bethenny Frankel showed Luann photos of Tom kissing an ex of his right before his and Luann’s engagement party.

That’s a bit rarer.

(Luann, at the time, dismissed it as a “mistake” rather than a premeditated affair … oh honey)

Cheating allegations against Tom D’Agostino formed half of the recent storylines on The Real Housewives of New York, it’s seemed.

As is so often the case, what’s good for reality television drama is not good at all for a marriage.

Curiously, though, it sounds like Tom D’Agostino had his own reasons for agreeing to this divorce.

Tom is 50.

While he’s apparently not too old to be running around the city like a horndog who can’t keep his pants on (allegedly), he apparently wasn’t down for what life with Luann meant.

That is — fame.

Specifically, the “lifestyle” of being a reality television personality.

“He used to live this really nice life in the city,” Page Six was told by a source.

“He’s a private person and all of a sudden he was living this crazy celebrity life.”

Tom’s alleged reasoning even refers to Luann’s former career as a nurse.

“He loved the nurse from Connecticut, not the reality TV star.”

That’s kind of interesting, considering that Tom D’Agonstino had reportedly dated two other women from The Real Housewives of New York City prior to dating and marrying Luann.

(Ramona Singer and Sonja Morgan)

It sounds like either there are only a couple dozen rich women in New York, which we somehow doubt, or Tom D’Agostino was courting fame.

And bit off more than he could chew.

It’s also possible that Tom is just using this as an excuse, as if the divorce were his idea, rather than a result of his alleged impulsive and hurtful cheating.
