Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Prince Harry & Meghan Markle: Did They Get Engaged in Africa?!

Even though a woman who claims to commune with the ghost of Princess Diana says the late royal doesn’t approve of Meghan Markle, it seems Prince Harry is moving full-steam ahead in his relationship.

We know it’s hard to believe he would ignore the words of a crazy lady who’s been yammering to the British tabloids, but sources close to the Harry say he proposed to Meghan during a recent trip to Africa.

Earlier this month, the couple embarked on a safari in Botswana in order to celebrate Meghan’s birthday.

Africa has long been a place of tremendous emotional signficance for Harry, as he and his brother found solace their following the death of their mother.

Harry and Meghan have been together for almost a year, and engagement rumors have been flying since day one.

There’s been no official word from Buckingham Palace yet, but the UK’s Daily Star assures its readers that the engagement is a done deal.

But don’t go looking for a ring on Meghan’s finger anytime soon.

Apparently, she and Harry have chosen a different symbol for their commitment to one another.

A source tells the Star that Harry gifted Meghan with a special Zulu betrothal bracelet in lieu of an engagement ring.

It seems that for the past several months, Harry and Meghan have both been wearing a different set of matching Zulu beads.

“He has always felt close to Diana in Africa and it was she who taught him about the meaning of the tribal beads as she spent so much time there,” an insider tells the tabloid.

“Harry feels like he can be himself in Africa and the whole proposal was the private, free and expressive moment he had hoped for – made all the more so by keeping it as ‘their secret’ for a few weeks

We guess if you just invited someone to join the royal family, giving them a bigass diamond on top of it is almost redundant.

Anyway, Harry still needs the Queen’s permission to make the engagement official, but we doubt she’d put up much of a fuss.

In fact, she’s at that age where someone probably just parks in front of a TV blaring reruns of Suits for most of the day, so she probably feels like she’s known Meghan for years.

These “only old people watch Suits” jokes doing anything for you guys?

Well, we’re stick with ‘em, anyway!
