Friday, August 11, 2017

Kylie Jenner: Look How Much I (And My Boobs) Have Grown!

Kylie Jenner partied with family, friends, and a bootytastic ice sculpture on the eve of her 20th birthday, 

But, in true Kylie form, she also celebrated the occasion with a wildly sexy photoshoot.

Kylie Jenner wasn’t quite in her birthday suit, but … she might as well have been. (Seriously, make sure that your boss isn’t looking over your shoulder for these pics)

Pink is a great color.

We’re not big fans of the color yellow. Like, at all.

But Kylie Jenner might just change our minds about that, because she started off her twenties by sharing some risque photos of herself.

Wearing some very see-through lingerie, naturally.

She captioned this one “20” with a little gold star beside it.

If you’d hopped in a time machine and asked us to identify this photo two years ago, we might have been left scratching our heads.

Kylie Jenner’s been a curvy girl for years, now.

Her hourglass figure is famous.

But over the past year, her bust has increased in size enough that breast implant rumors seem to provide a more plausible explanation than a late spurt of puberty.

Usually, you just recognize somebody’s face, no matter how much their body changes.

Kylie, though … her face has changed a little over the years.

(Not so much in the past two, but her face is partially obscured in this photo anyway)

But you know what’s barely obscured at all?

Her nipples.

Her left nipple, in particular, in that photo.

She’s an adult, so she’s welcome to show as many or as few parts of her flesh prison as she likes.

We guess that Instagram’s unwavering terror in the face of girl nipples is mitigated when there’s something in front of those nipples.

Even if it’s an entirely see-through material.

She captioned that photo “thanks for all the birthday wishes!”

We guess that flashing her nip-nop is just Kylie’s way of showing her appreciation.

Before Kylie even turned 20, she took some photos while lounging by the pool at her mother’s house.

She looks incredible.

Because of course se does.

We don’t want to say that her body looks like it was designed by a man, but … it kind of does.

Her proportions seem to cater to a certain (not universal, but widely appealing) ideal.

Kylie’s been blasted for changing herself for the haters, but we say that so long as her body looks the way that she wants it to, more power to her.

Again, her boobs are so much these days.

Kylie has more to celebrate than a body that looks like it was designed by one of those comic book artists (the ones who draw every woman as a busty contortionist) and her 20th birthday.

Kylie Cosmetics is raking in the dough and may be worth a billion dollars within five short years.

When we refer to Kylie Jenner as a makeup mogul, it’s not just because we enjoy alliteration.

That’s the appropriate thing to call her.

Kylie Cosmetics is booming and it looks like it’s going to stay that way for years to come.

Kylie is also building her own distinct brand to the point where she has her own series, Life of Kylie, which is now airing.

The series follows her life and her friends and the various, um, “hardships” that she faces because she’s Kylie.

Having her own reality series is going to not only provide another revenue stream, but it’s going to help Kylie’s brand become more distinct from that of her family.

Her twenties are going to be pretty exciting.
