Tuesday, August 8, 2017

This Twitter Account is the Funniest Thing You"ll Read All Week

Remember the Blockbuster video chain?

Actually, perhaps we should rewind and rephrase:

Remember the concept of video?

Back before streaming services, people would get in their car… drive to a store.. and actually rent tapes (or, later, DVDs) to slide into a player attached to their television set.

They would then watch a movie and return said tape by a designated date, lest they be forced to pay late charges.

It"s a strange concept, we know, but it was wildly popular for decades.

And a company called "Blockbuster" led the way, building establishments across the country and creating its own impressive empire.

That was then, however. Now, nearly every Blockbuster is out of business due to the rise of Netflix, Hulu and a number of other online services.

One store remains. And it has a Twitter account (@loneblockbuster) that is a must-read for movie fans, Internet fans and pretty much anyone with a sense of humor…

1. I Love for This!

I love for this

DVDs for days, people. Bring em on.

2. Amazon Prime is Fast and Easy and Convenient and at Your Fingertips, But…

Amazon prime is fast and easy and convenient and at your fingert

… right?!?

3. We Don’t Want to Beg

We dont want to beg


4. How Many Times Can You Watch Jingle All the Way?

How many times can you watch jingle all the way

Come on now, Mary.

5. Thanks a Lot, Patty

Thanks a lot patty

At least you tried to tape it.

6. The Perfect Uniform

The perfect uniform

We don’t understand why we haven’t received more job applications.

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