Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Dance Moms Season 7 Episode 19 Recap: FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!

Dance Moms Season 7 Episode 19 can pretty much be summed up by three words:


Before delving into which parents threw down, however, let’s talk about The A List.

Not of celebrities, but of students, as this is the name Laurieann Gibson has given to Abby Lee Miller’s “Pyramid.”

It’s the same concept, really, with each girl’s picture unveiled one by one and a critique from their replacement choreographer following immediately afterward.

After this ordeal is over, we learn the group is headed to FIERCE National DC in Fresno, which is the same city in which Abby threatened Jaime with a pair of scissors and called a bitch.

But that was then.

This is now. Abby is still missing in action due to that whole prison thing and Gibson is in charge.

Laurieann assigns solos to Kalani and Brynn for the competition, while group as a whole will do a contemporary piece titled “Q.”

The dance is inspired by a “tribe” Laurieann has of young transgender artists; she wants to utilize their fight to inspire the ALDC’s fight, telling the girls that one of them will be playing a transgender.

It’s an interesting twist and a twist relevant to the national conversation.

Yolanda is angry, however, that her daughter (Elliana) isn’t included in the routine.

But the other Dance Moms are impressed by Gibson’s vision. It features Camryn in her first lead role, acting as a boy who is really a girl inside, along with Kalani showing off her athleticism.

But Yolanda is still pissed. She says her child has experienced bullying through a gender nonconformist friend back home and she convinced Elliana to plead her case to Laurieann.

The plan words. Elliana gets a spot in the dance… and Stacey gets angry!

She GOES OFF on Yolanda for coaching her daughter, prompting an attack like none we’ve seen on the show before.

At one point, Yolanda chokes Stacey in the parking lot.

Security guards and production staff members swoop in before any real damage can be done, but Stacey tells Yolanda she’ll be going to jail for her actions.

The next day, Laurieanne chastises the parents. She threatens to leave on the spot, rather than have her reputation tainted by their behavior. 

After Stacey and Yolanda sort of make up, Gibson’s transgender friend, Rocco, stops by and explains to the mothers and the kids that they should be more accepting of everyone’s differences.

Does the inspirational speech lead to victory?


At the competition, Kalani’s solo comes in second, but Brynn’s is a total bust. The group finishes as the runner-up.

Yolanda wonders if Abby would have led them to a win, but Laurieann blames the moms’ fighting for the loss.

Yolanda says she just wants to be a team player, but the parents continue to bicker and disagree.

The tension brings Laurieann to tears.

She wants to remain committed to the process, but there’s just too much division. We wrap up the intense episode with Gibson’s future with the team very much up in the air.

Will she return? Do you want her to return? Will you continue to watch Dance Moms online or on TV without Abby in the picture? Are the moms sabotaging their daughters’ futures?

Sound off below!
