Monday, August 21, 2017

Matt Baier: Amber Portwood Cheated On Me!

When Amber Portwood confirmed that she’d dumped Matt Baier, there was much rejoicing amongst obsessive Teen Mom: OG fans.

In case you weren’t aware Matt wasn’t considered ideal boyfriend material, what with being a deadbeat dad, cheating on Amber, lying about his drug use, and just generally behaving like a douche-nozzle throughout his time on the show.

Of course, Amber has a history of diving right back into unhealthy relationships, which made it hard for fans to breathe easy at first.

When it was revealed last week that Amber is dating Andrews Glennon, the news was widely taken as an encouraging sign that she’s ready to leave her relationship with Baier in the past.

But Matt’s not quite ready to give up, and Amber remains very much at the forefront of his mind.

In a recent interview, Baier revealed that he still hopes to get back together with Portwood.

Fortunately, he’s also been sabotaging his own chances by trash-talking Amber to friends, who in turn share the details of Matt’s ravings with the media.

Matt reportedly hit the roof when he learned that Amber was dating Andrew, a producer on Marriage Boot Camp whom they both got to know during their time on the show.

Matt left the set ahead of schedule following a fight with Amber, and she says that’s when her relationship with Glennon took off.

But it seems Matt suspects that there was some overlap between the two romances.

“Matt knew she had a new guy, but didn’t know it was Andrew,” a source close to the former couple tells Radar Online.

“Now he is furious and suspects her of cheating on him.”

Amber has yet to respond to the allegations publicly, but the insider says she’s been quick to dismiss them in private:

“Amber thinks Matt is just jealous,” says the source.

In all likelihood, Amber will never respond to Matt’s accusations because she knows him well enough to know that’s just what he wants.

Prior to their relationship, Matt was an obsessive fan of the Teen Mom franchise, and many he felt that he loved the reality star lifestyle more than he ever loved Amber.

You can expect this guy to fight the slow fade into irrelevancy with everything he’s got.

Watch Teen Mom: OG online to remind yourself of just how dysfunctional Matt and Amber’s relationship truly was.

It was one of the ugliest we’ve seen on the show, which is really saying something.
