Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Dance Moms Recap: Look Who"s Back! Look Who"s Here!

On the latest irritating episode of Dance Moms, news was broken about Abby Lee Miller’s sentencing… a new teacher arrived at the studio… and Chloe reunited with her former team members.

Did it all go smoothly?

HA! No. Scroll down for a recap…

With just two days to go until Abby learned her fate for lying to the government about her finances, the moms were buzzing over all the possibilities.

Would the host go to jail? Would she receive probation? What will happen to the ALDC?!?

(We know the answer in real life, of course.)

In the meantime, while fate of the show hung in the balance, Laurieann Gibson was brought in as a temporary solution/replacement, describing herself as a “choreographer, creative director, world changer, dream fighter and a creative visionary to today’s hottest superstars.”

We’ll give you a moment to vomit a few times from all those self-proclamations…

“You don’t have to do anything but be,” Gibson tells the moms, who basically want to crown her Queen of the Entire Universe.

Laurieann, who talks about her awards a lot, tells the girls that she believes Miller makes robots. But Laurieann? She makes stars!

Over the next week, she plans to teach these young women how to “defy what people think they can do.”

She says she is going to reprogram the girls so they can liberate themselves. 

Things get awkward (and sort of awesome) after Gibson asks the girls how many of them think Abby has set them back… and they all raise their hands.

Nia and Holly detail their terrible experiences with Abby, prompting Gibson to say that Miller ought to be afraid of her.

She proceeds to explain how there will be a group dance called “Judgment Day” and a trio of solos.

After spewing some more hate in Abby’s direction and spouting a bunch of cliches about being tough, Laurieann gives Nia a modern solo, Camryn gets contemporary and Maesi gets hip-hop.

As the girls rehearse and all this is going on, the moms discover that Abby’s sentencing has been canceled and a new date hasn’t been set.

They wonder if Abby will come back and, if so, how she’ll feel about Laurieann. (Going out on a limb here, we’re gonna guess she won’t be a fan.)

Off in another part of town, we quickly catch up with Chloe and Christi, the former of whom has been out of the dancing world for two years.

But now she’s grown up and gained new perspective and wants to dive back in.

She feels weird competing against the ALDC with her new team, but that’s just the way it has to be for now… although Christi hopes she can soon return to her old stomping grounds.

Christi calls Holly to let her know that Chloe will be dancing with MDP, one of the ALDC’s biggest rivals. They will be going head-to-head at FIERCE DC.

On the final day of rehearsals, the parents find out that Miller has business opportunities that will have her traveling to Mexico for a week.

So they better sign Laurieann for another few days because it doesn’t look like Abby has any intention of coming back any time soon.

Finally, it’s competition day. It’s ALDC versus MDP! It’s an inspiring speech from Laurieann!

Christi gets into it with Jill, leading to Kendall and Chloe in tears and the ALDC seemingly in a mess.

Can Gibson rectify the situation? Can she deliver a victory? Does anyone really care at this point?

Sound off below and tune in next week for some answers!
