Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Tarek El Moussa Celebrates His Birthday, His Son"s Birthday, and the Absence of Christina El Moussa

Christina El Moussa Finally Responded to Tarek El Moussa’s divorce filing, so any hopes that the Flip or Flop couple would pull through and stick together have, well, flopped.

In fact, apparently their current tensions or whatever are such that Tarek and Christina threw separate birthday parties for their son to avoid making other people there “uncomfortable.” Not a great sign.

It’s not all bad, though. Tarek El Moussa shared a slew of photos and gave an interview about what he expects out of the divorce.

First, though, he congratulated his adorable 2-year-old son, Brayden, on his very special day.

“Happy Birthday to my BIG BOY!!!! I can’t believe my little homie is 2 years old!!! LOL he attacked the cake!!”

Second birthdays are a big deal, because children might actually remember them.

(I remember my second birthday. Well, mostly the cake)

But Brayden and Tarek have birthdays back-to-back, so Tarek also wished himself a happy birthday:

Daddy’s b-day!! WOW I can’t believe I turned 36 today!! Brayden was born 4 hours before my birthday!”

That’s gonna get awkward over the years as they develop very different ideas about what sort of birthday is enjoyable.

“Scroll through these pics….(swipe the photo to see the collage)….my kids are just full of joy and happiness and I’m the luckiest father alive!!!!

We have the highlights of those pics for you, don’t worry.

He follows that with three heart emojis, and then:

“…OH AND ME AND MY DAD FINALLY TOOK A PIC!!! He’s in the slideshow!”

Painful grammatical error aside, a lot of people wanted to see the two side-by-side.

So here you go:

It wasn’t all just about the party and happy family relationships, though.

Tarek El Moussa was interviewed by Entertainment Tonight and shared his thoughts on his divorce from his wife and costar.

(And, you know, no matter how amicable — and their divorce is kinda amicable, at least, despite the gun incident that preceded their separation — divorce is not fun for anybody involved)

Tarek was asked if Christina was going to attend.

“Unfortunately, today she’s not going to be here. We’ve been going through our situation, and I felt like today might be better if we stay separated.”

That’s not a great sign for the future of Flip or Flop, you know?

We know that Tarek and Christina El Moussa want Flip or Flop to continue, but if they can’t even attend their son’s birthday together, how are they going to remain as costars?

Of course, it seems like Tarek’s hinting that friends and relatives may be a larger problem than the pair of exes themselves.

“You know, we pretty much decided we were gonna do separate things with Brayden this year. Just to make it more comfortable for everybody involved.”

Sometimes, having friends and family in your corner can backfire a little.

As we mentioned, Christina El Moussa filed her own divorce papers recently. Tarek is playing it cool regarding that:

“That’s just part of the process.”

That’s very mature.

As you may recall, Tarek’s initial filing was asking for money from her.

Christina’s filing is asking for money from him.

But maybe that’s just part of the haggling process.

Tarek expresses high hopes for the future, for the light at the end of the divorce tunnel:

“Eventually, we’re gonna get divorced, continue to work together, co-parent, have a great life.”

That is powerfully optimistic.

He and Christina are both certainly motivated to continue with Flip or Flop, as that’s kind of a goldmine that they wouldn’t want to abandon prematurely.

We don’t know how all of this is going to impact their on-screen chemistry, though.

Sometimes exes work well together and sometimes it’s a disaster that no one can hide.

We’re just going to have to wait and see.
