Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Aaron Carter Ex Madison Parker: I Didn"t Split Because He"s Bisexual! I"m Not a Bigot!

Aaron Carter came out as bisexual and he also broke up with his girlfriend Madison Parker, and those were at just about the same time.

While Aaron’s been quick to thank fans for supporting him since he came out, it’s sounded an awful lot like Madison herself was less than supportive — and that she may have even broken up with him because of biphobia.

Madison’s making a statement, however, and she hopes to clear up any misconceptions.

In a statement to E!, Madison Parker claims that Aaron’s bisexuality and coming out wasn’t behind their split.

“My split with Aaron has nothing to do with him being bisexual. Our parting of ways is something that has been coming for some time and it’s the best thing for us both.”

That’s good to hear, at least.

“Some of my closest friends and loved ones are of the LGBTQ community, people I love and support wholeheartedly, so for Out.com or anyone to label me ‘homophobic’ is appalling and hurtful and couldn’t be more off character.”

We understand why she felt the need to speak up for herself.

“I’ve been nothing but supportive of Aaron and his career and I’m happy for him that he’s having the courage to live his truth.”

She’s still not calling him out for saying what he did about her, so maybe she’s still being supportive.

“Breaking up is never easy for anyone, but it is my hope that we can move on from this point as peacefully and respectfully as possible. I wish him all the best.”

So, let’s get into this:

In a moment, we’ll show you Aaron’s previous statement, which painted a different picture of their breakup.

First, though, while we’re not necessarily accusing Madison of anything, let’s go through that statement line by line.

We totally believe that their breakup was already in the works. 

That’s usually the case with breakups, after all.

Saying that she has close friends who are LGBTQ and that therefore she couldn’t possibly be homophobic is … pretty close to someone saying that they can’t be racist because they have black friends, right?

Plus, there are (unfortunately) plenty of people who have zero shortage of close gay friends but who would be uncomfortable dating a bisexual person, which is definitely biphobic.

And they didn’t just make it up — their write-up had to be based on Aaron’s statement.

She’s definitely been super supportive of him and we don’t think that anyone’s questioning that.

Madison is talking as if various writers accusing her of biphobia came out of nowhere.

It did not.

While some (us included) wondered if that might be a factor when the news of their breakup first, well, broke, we also discussed the possibility that it might not be.

The belief that Madison broke up with Aaron Carter because he is bisexual or because he was ready to tell the world that he is bisexual came from Aaron Carter himself.

If you’ll recall, Aaron Carter had suggested in an interview that his coming out as bisexual played a role in their breakup.

“I had discussed it with my ex-girlfriend, and she didn’t really understand it and she didn’t want [to].”

That sounds so incredibly sad.

“And that was it. So, we left it mutual and parted ways.”

He later tweeted that their split was “very amicable,” but that … isn’t the same as saying that biphobia wasn’t involved.

You know, though Madison doesn’t really make a compelling argument for herself, we can totally see this as just an amicable breakup that coincided with Aaron’s coming out.

In fact, both of those events may have been brought on by the same life factors.

We just don’t know.

It’s also possible that Aaron misunderstood Madison’s reasons for breakup up with him, or described their breakup in a way that he didn’t mean to.

We want him to live his best life, don’t get us wrong, but he’s sometimes said worrisome and irrational things in the past.

But, let’s be clear: we’re so excited that Aaron’s come out and we’re hopeful that his life and overall well-being will only improve from here on out.

And unless we know that someone is bigoted, we’re not going to hop on the hate train with regard to Madison Parker or anybody else.
