Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Big Brother Spoilers: Who Is Christmas Abbott Targeting For Eviction?

Ever since Christmas Abbott wound up with some power on Big Brother, she was very open in her confessionals about making a big move. 

At this stage of the game, a big move would involve taking Paul Abrahamian out, or even Alex Ow.

Both have been working together on the down-low manipulating others to get their targets out to steam roll all the way to the end. 

Strategically, their alliance has worked wonders for their respective games, but it has made things rather cumbersome for viewers. 

With the most recent episode of the hit CBS series, Christmas seemed to be on the fence about taking Mark Jansen out and questioned whether it would be a good idea to split up one of the couples. 

That, of course, would leave Mark in the house and that is not something Paul wants to happen. Paul has the rest of the season planned out in his head. 

With Mark’s pitch to remain the target and take out the others to help Christmas and her squad get to the end, it would have been a solid way to turn the tables. 

But working with Mark is not a risk anyone wants to take in case he seeks some revenge for the house getting his closest ally out. 

Christmas was adamant that Mark was going out if he did not win the POV. Jason was on her list of targets if Mark pulled himself off. 

Unfortunately for Mark, Jason eked out a victory and won the veto, and Mark was named the replacement nominee at yesterday’s veto meeting. 

While Mark is the target for the week, there was some interesting cam talk from Paul yesterday on the feeds. He confirmed he was working with Christmas and Josh to the end and liked his chances of winning with those two at Final 3. 

While this seems like the most plausible course of action to him, it’s clear he has little trust in Matthew and Raven. All Matthew has done all season is eat bowls of cereal, while Raven has changed her accent every day. 

There is no way either of them getting to the end will result in them winning. A hard and fast rule in the Big Brother house is that floaters do not win. 

When Mark is evicted on Thursday, the predictability factor should grind to a halt because the majority alliance needs to start picking one another off. 

We’ve waited weeks, but we are reaching the home stretch of the season, and nobody is safe. But if anyone else wants to win, they should get rid of Paul. 

He will definitely win if he makes it all the way to the finale. 

What do you think of the events?

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