Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Jana Duggar: Is She Helping Raise Josh Duggar" Kids?

We may never know for certain if she’s chosen to remain at home and stay single, or if that lifestyle was forced upon her, but whatever the case, Jana Duggar has very much earned the nickname of “the Cinderella Duggar.”

While her younger siblings, marry, leave the nest, and start families of their own, Jana stays home in Tontitown, assisting her mother with the endless household tasks that come with managing a family of 21.

As Jana’s siblings continue to marry and breed at an alarming rate, her list of duties only lengthens, as she’s the first one her sisters call when they’re in need of a babysitter – or when they simply need a hand with some light cleaning.

But is it just her sisters for whom Jana remains on call 24/7, or is that courtesy extended to her older brother, as well?

As you’re likely aware, Josh Duggar lives in a sort of self-imposed exile following a pair of sex scandals that nearly cost the Duggars their wildly lucrative media empire.

Josh attends a separate church; he never appears on the family’s reality show, Counting On; and he lives on the outskirts of town, maintaining a car lot that’s mostly independent from the Duggars’ other business ventures.

There have been frequent questions about what sort of relationship Josh maintains with his siblings, and recently, fans have questioned if he and wife Anna receive the same support from Jana that’s enjoyed by the other Duggars.

Obviously, Jana will almost certainly never answer any direct questions about her feelings toward her disgraced older brother, but we can deduce quite a bit from her family’s social media pages.

For one thing, Jana and Anna Duggar appear to have remained close.

Duggar women are not permitted to use social media until after they’re engaged, but Jana makes frequent appearances on Anna’s page.

In fact, in the past three months, Anna has posted more photos of the 27-year-old volunteer nanny than any of Jana’s biological sisters have.

The reason for why the sisters-in-law are so close, might have something to do with Jana’s deep affection for Josh and Anna’s children.

Posted last month, the above photo shows Jana conducting an in-home cooking class – with Josh and Anna’s kids front and center.

These days, of course, Anna is pregnant with her fifth child, and sources close to the family say Jana will be there from day one, helping with diapers, feeding the other kids, and just generally being a godsend, just as she’s so often been for the other young mothers in her life.

We’ll likely never know if Anna has forgiven her brother, as Josh is persona non grata on his family’s social media pages.

But it seems clear that Jana’s love for Anna and her children has never been deeper.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.
