Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez: Wedding on the Way?!

It’s only been five months since we first learned that Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez are dating, but it seems the double-A-list couple is moving at breakneck speed.

In fact, sources close to J-Lo and A-Rod say that we can expect to hear wedding bells in the very near future.

“Those in J.Lo’s inner circle see her relationship with A-Rod going the distance,” a source close to Lopez and Rodriguez tells Entertainment Tonight.

“They definitely see marriage potential here. J.Lo loves that they have so much in common,” the insider adds.

“They’re both parents and they’re both successful in business. Their lives, while busy, really complement each other.”

Well, if the source is to be believed it certainly sounds like J-Lo may soon become Mrs. A-Rod.

So what is it that has her so enamored with the former Yankee?

Many have cited Alex’s many professional successes as among the main reasons that Jen is so drawn to him.

But cosidering this is the woman who dated Casper Smart for years, we don’t think being independently wealthy is high on her list of requirements.

What really seems important to these two is that despite their busy schedules, they both make family and parenthood their top priorities.

The insider says that Alex loves everything about Jen – but he’s particularly blown away by how good she is with his kids.

“Jennifer means the world to him and he wants everyone to know it,” the source notes.

“His kids like her a lot and that’s what means the most to him.”

Only time will tell if these two are really headed for the altar, but whatever the case, Rodriguez is definitely head over the heels in love with his iconic girlfriend.

A-Rod has been gushing about Jen in interviews, and he let loose with a torrent of praise in his most recent interview:

“Jennifer is one of the most brilliant business minds that I’ve ever met. She is the hardest working lady,” the former Yankee told ET.

“I am a big, big promoter of women equality. I like that for my daughters and Jennifer is the role model.”

His baseball career may have ended in disappointment, but it looks like Rodriguez is now a winner in the game of love.

Red Sox fans everywhere are shaking their fists in rage.
