Friday, August 4, 2017

Big Brother Recap: Did Jessica Save Herself?

Big Brother Season 19 has hit a bit of a lull, and part of that is due to the powers that have been given out to the houseguests over the last few weeks. 

First, we had Paul with his four-week safety, and then there’s Christmas who still has to use her ring of replacement. The most recent significant power was Jessica’s Halting Hex. 

Along the way, there was a battle back, so the number of houseguests inside the house has stayed the same for a few weeks now. We need the show to take a page from the Canadian version’s playbook and have a triple eviction to amp up the drama. 

When the episode got underway, Jessica was still reeling from the news that Cody kept Jason and Alex around to take out the likes of Raven and Jessica. Hey, the producers had to do something to make viewers doubt Jessica was going to use her big power. 

Jessica turned to Matt who brushed her off and essentially told her to speak to Cody, so that’s what she did next and she had a very thorough line of questioning for her boyfriend. 

“When my mom watches this show, is she going to love you or is she gonna hate you?” she says. Although the conversation did take place, Cody denied it, and from a strategic standpoint, he had to. 

The last person he should be pissing off right now is Jessica because she can effortlessly get Cody out of the house by not using the Hex. He looked very guilty, however, and Jessica picked up on that. 

Struggling to trust Cody could be detrimental to her game because it’s not like anyone else is offering her friendship bracelets right about now. She’s toast either way. 

Paul then catches up with Jessica to let her know the house is on board with the demand to get rid of Cody and let her keep the Hex another week, but Jessica seems a bit too busy questioning her relationship to care. 

Jessica and Cody seemingly break up, and nobody cared. They are just toxic at this stage, and it’s becoming tiring as a viewer to watch. Cut the crap and play the game, you guys. 

At the veto meeting, Paul saved Jason, and it was not a surprise. Yes, it was a whole day late this week. Just when there was some calm in the house, Jessica overhears a conversation about the Hex and wondering what will come next. 

Hint: It was not good news for Jessica, who immediately targeted Raven for talking about her. Raven subsequently found herself embroiled in a bitter war of words between Jess and Cody. 

When Paul finds out Jessica is officially against him again, he gives Josh the go ahead to “turn it up to a 30. Pots, everything.” Before we know it, the whole house is getting in on the fun. 

The big plan, of course, was that Cody would be pushed to the limit and Jessica would see the real him once again and let him leave out the back door. 

Thankfully, the eviction was canceled, and the head of household competition was a putting competition. So, it was essentially down to chance. 

The results were as follows:

  • Round 1: Matthew – 6 

  • Round 2: Alex – 2 

  • Round 3: Mark – 15

  • Round 4: Jason – 15

  • Round 5: Cody – 21

  • Round 6: Christmas – 21 

  • Round 7: Elena – 13

  • Round 8: Jessica – 2 

  • Round 9: Josh – 23 

  • Round 10: Raven – 13

  • Round 11: Kevin – 6  

Yes, that means hell on Earth has been unleashed on the Big Brother house because Josh has won freaking Head of Household. His targets will be Jessica and Cody. 

God, it’s going to be a crazy week with this crazy dude in power. It would not be surprising if he locked Jessica and Cody in a room for a week because he loves causing trouble. 

Look for Paul to dictate what Josh does with his nominations because Paul is the true puppet master in the game. Wouldn’t it be a fun twist if Josh targeted Paul?

Over to you, what do you think of the twists and fights?

Sunday’s episode will include the temptation challenge, so Jessica and Cody really need to think about winning both that and the veto, or they are getting split up next week. 
