Monday, September 18, 2017

Shahs of Sunset Season 6 Episode 9 Recap: A Fiery Thanksgiving Argument

Thanksgiving is a time to come together as a family and put all the feuding aside. 

But, on Shahs of Sunset Season 6 Episode 9, it seemed more like everyone wanted to bicker for the big occasion. For viewers, it was a solid episode, but it revealed that all of the big personalities on the show thrived on the drama. 

When the episode got underway, GG and Adam went to the local sex shop to practice their technique for giving oral sex. The lady giving the masterclass could not contain her laughter when she told GG to listen to her partner breathing, and that will tell her if she’s doing it right. 

Adam chimed in, saying: “She won’t hear. She’s half deaf.” Yes, it was one of the craziest openings, but it was still fun to watch and proved that when they’re not fighting with one another, they are kind of funny. 

Mike met up with Asa at the grocery store to get prepared for Thanksgiving. Things got awkward real quick because Asa wanted to know why their group of friends were so annoyed with her. 

Mike then felt the need to reveal that Reza told everyone the truth about the freezing of eggs, and it immediately made Asa mad. It would have been so much easier for Asa to have been straight up with MJ in the first place. 

They could have gone through the treatment together. Asa had put Reza in a difficult situation, but all she could think about was the betrayal of all of it. 

Asa wasted no time and asked Reza about it at the Thanksgiving meal, and he was brutally honest with her. He said that she put him in a difficult position and that he felt like he was lying to his friends. 

They returned to the dinner table, but Reza noted in a confessional that he wanted to get up and leave because he felt like things were now awkward about the whole situation. 

Meanwhile, the rest of the cast made their way to Shervin’s for a meal, and Golnesa invited Leila because she thought it would make her family happy. 

When Leila appeared, Golnesa gave a speech and Leila immediately went out for a cigarette before trashing her to Mike. Mike was not about to let Shervin’s party be ruined, so he called Leila out. 

Leila then trashed Golnesa to people inside the house and said that she took eight days to thank her for picking her up from rehab. Yes, she was going low with her insults, but the sisters got along after their big fight. 

Leila was not the only troublemaker at the party. MJ was intent on letting Annalise know the true extent of Shervin’s private life, and brought up the cheating rumors, but Annalise shut her down. 

But, the teaser for next week makes it look like the cheating allegations will run rampant, so that should be fun. Reality TV thrives on cheating rumors, so we are totally in for this. 

What do you think about all the drama?
