Monday, September 25, 2017

Shahs of Sunset Season 6 Episode 10 Recap: The Lying Game

MJ wanted to have her first child, and she wanted to shout it from the rooftops after downing ten shots while renovating her home. 

When Shahs of Sunset Season 6 Episode 10 got underway, MJ wanted to make sure her home was finally completed, and she felt like her designer would be integral to completing all of it promptly. 

Reza showed up and said that the whole group would come together to get the painting completed and that’s exactly what happened. 

Everyone aside from Asa was invited to help out with the big event, and everyone wanted to know why Asa was not asked. MJ opened up about her lies and that it was time for her to move on from Asa and all of her crazy drama. 

Vida showed up and started throwing shade at Tommy because she still thought he was the wrong man for her daughter and that he was not up to the challenge of being a father. 

This sent the drink-fueled renovation efforts into overdrive. MJ started bawling like a child when her mother refused to take $ 100,000 from her for retirement. 

MJ thought it was disrespectful, but if she really had that amount of money to give away, you would think she would have had decorators in to deal with all of the paint. 

Before long, MJ had a go at Tommy for saying he felt like they were not ready to have a child because there was still a lot of growing up to come. 

MJ yelled that she knows men who would knock her up in thirty minutes, so she clearly had an idea that Tommy was going to bail at the last minute. 

Destiney managed to get through to Tommy, and he revealed that he was worried about the child growing up without a parent. If you watch Shahs of Sunset online, you will know that his mother died of cancer when he was thirteen. 

In the end, MJ essentially dumped him and said she was going to get knocked up. It was embarrassing, but should we have expected anything other than this to happen?

Meanwhile, Shervin dropped the bomb that he cheated on Annalise multiple times and his friends were so mad. They were concerned that Annalise was moving across the world to be with him. 

He seemed to think the fact that she was on another continent while it happened made it okay, but it most definitely did not. Annalise should run and never look back. 

Once a cheat, always a cheat and she is setting herself for disaster and embarrassment. MJ will likely drop the truth to her because she cannot seem to keep her mouth shut about anything these days. 

Finally, Mike got some traction with his shoes for toddlers. Shoe Palace agreed to stock them in their stores on a trial basis, and he was ecstatic. 

What did you think of all the drama?

Sound off below!

Shahs of Sunset airs Sundays on Bravo!
