Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Meadow Walker Honors Late Father, Urges Fans to "DO GOOD"

Paul Walker would have turned 44 years old on Tuesday.

Tragically, of course, the beloved actor was killed in a car crash back in November of 2013.

Never far from the minds of his fans, especially when a new Fast and Furious movie comes out, Walker lost his life in a single-car accident outside of Los Angeles after he lost control of his Porsche and slammed into a tree.

The vehicle exploded and Walker died at the scene.

Meadow Walker was only 15 years old at the time, instantly getting thrust into the spotlight for the most horrific of reasons.

In the time since, Meadow has picked her spots carefully when it comes to speaking out and paying tribute to her dad, such as the instance when she referenced him with a throwback photo and message on Father’s Day.

And now the teenager has done so again.

“In honor of my dad’s birthday today, we’re challenging you to DO GOOD!” Meadow wrote as a caption to the image below, adding:

“Share a video or photo of your random act of kindness and nominate 4 people to join the challenge!

“Be sure to tag the foundation as well as hashtag #PWFdogoodchallenge, so we can check out all of your posts!”

Walked tagged out the late actor’s close friend and Fast and Furious co-star, Vin Diesel, to do the challenge… Diesel responded by sharing his own touching tribute in honor of Walker’s birthday on Tuesday.

Posting a cute flashback photo of Paul holding his daughter Hania on Instagram, Diesel made a point to say she was very “proud” of Meadow.

“Happy birthday Pablo… You have and are still changing the world,” Diesel wrote.

He continued:

“Your love lives through all whom have had the great fortune to know you. Meadow graduated this summer… made us all so proud. She is even building a foundation in your name to help the world.

“Would you believe Cody [Paul’s brother] is in Houston continuing the work you were so passionate about… Remember when we were in Haiti and you asked me what the name should be… and now @reachoutww is realizing the dream.

“All the angels miss you… I miss you.”

It brings a tear to our eye every time Diesel or another former co-star brings up Walker.

The affection they had for him is so clear. There’s nothing fake or forced about these tributes.

Paul Walker really did leave a lasting impression on everyone with whom he came into contact.

May he rest in peace.

Now, if you’ll excuse us, we need to take Meadow’s advice and go do some good in the world.
