Thursday, October 26, 2017

The Real Housewives of New Jersey Season 8 Episode 4 Recap: The Public Shaming of Melissa

Danielle Staub is back, but is she the root of all the drama?

That became the biggest storyline on The Real Housewives of New Jersey Season 8 Episode 4 when she revealed some shocking details to Teresa about Dolores. 

Dolores allegedly said that all Teresa cares about is money and that Danielle would be wise to steer clear of her. Danielle thrives on some drama, so she dished the goodies to Teresa. 

Teresa was mad, and she thought it made sense because of the way Dolores has kept her distance from her over the last few weeks.

If you watch The Real Housewives of New Jersey online, you will know that Dolores has been too busy following Siggy around to bother with the other women on the show. 

Teresa wasted no time in dragging Dolores for her alleged comments, and Dolores went straight for the jugular with Danielle. 

“Welcome back, Scumbag!” she barked at her new enemy as she tried to clear her name. Teresa did not know who to believe, but a part of her was saying that Danielle was telling the truth. 

Dolores called Danielle a liar, a “crazy person,” and a“starving, hungry bitch.” She then tried to diagnose Danielle’s multitude of problems and said that it was no coincidence that Danielle returned and things got bad between the women. 

Danielle started bawling like a baby and made a swift exit with Teresa and Melissa. If Danielle is here to cause the drama, she can stay. This episode was crazy!

Then there was Siggy who thought inviting all the women to her cocktail party would continue to repair their fractured friendships. However, things took a crazy turn when Siggy ambushed Melissa about throwing the cake. 

“In a million years I wouldn’t take a beautiful cake like that and throw it across the floor,” Siggy yelled. Melissa was shocked but asked to buy her another cake to shut her up. 

Siggy then asked every single person whether Melissa acted wrongly and they all sided with Siggy. This was yet another moment that proved these women are going to be fighting until the bitter end. 

Elsewhere, Teresa and Melissa are starting to fight again, and part of the reason is that Joe bought the restaurant without consulting Melissa about it. Melissa learned that she was the last person to know and that did not go down well with her. 

The ladies bickered when they met with Joe to speak about running the restaurant. Melissa claimed she would not be doing anything that would involve getting her hands dirty. 

So, it looks like Melissa and Teresa are going to be feuding once again. Would we have it any other way?

What did you think of the drama?
