Friday, October 13, 2017

Barbara Evans: David Eason Makes Me Afraid for Jenelle Evans!

No one has ever accused Jenelle Evans of being the best mom. Or even necessarily of being a good mom.

And her estranged mother, Barbara Evans, has been one of her toughest critics over the years.

But that doesn’t mean that Barbara isn’t worried about her daughter. Along with many Teen Mom 2 fans, she finds David Eason alarming and believes that he’s no good for her grandchildren — or Jenelle.

Before we get into this, remember that Jenelle Evans is threatening to quit Teen Mom 2. We do not think that one is unrelated to the other.

Jenelle believes that the show is portraying her in an unfair light.

Multiple Teen Mom 2 stars have complained about the edits that they receive, not just Jenelle.

After all, by the nature of reality television, it’s very easy to take moments out of context.

Even the best of the Teen Mom 2 mothers, Chelsea Houska, gets bad edits sometimes. Through editing, they made it look like she was ignoring her daughter.

But editing can only go so far. The producers can edit out good moments or resolutions, but they can’t edit in fits of yelling or heated arguments or worse.

A lot of fans are concerned about Jenelle’s parenting.

A lot of fans are even more concerned about David Eason’s parenting, and particularly the way that he reportedly treats Kaiser, Jenelle’s child with her ex, Nathan Griffith.

Jenelle’s own estranged mother, who has custody of Jenelle’s oldest child, Jace, is worried about her other grandchildren.

And Barbara is also worried about Jenelle herself.

In an interview with RadarOnline, Barbara Evans spoke about her fears of Jenelle living under David Eason’s control. She repeated some of her long-held beliefs about the results of the couple’s marriage.

“I think once he puts that ring on her finger he’s going to have so much control over her.” 

Well, Jenelle married David Eason in late September, but only time will tell if Barbara’s predictions are accurate.

“She’s going to be choked to where she won’t be able to breathe.”

We hope that Jenelle won’t literally be choked. Though with David Eason’s background, you never know.

“He’ll have so much control; more so than he does now.”

When fans of the show have wished that Jenelle would get herself under control, they did not mean under a husband’s control.

Barbara mourns what’s become of her daughter.

“This is a Jenelle I’ve never seen.”

Barbara suspects that Jenelle will come to regret it.

“Someday it’s going to bite her in the ass to do this to me. It’s heartwrenching to me.”

While it’s no doubt painful for Barbara, she also harbors serious fears about the well being of her grandchildren. She has custody of Jace, sure, but she cannot protect them all.

“I’m not worried about Ensley, because it’s David’s child. I’m very much so worried about Kaiser. I don’t think David likes Kaiser… because he’s a clone of Nathan.”

Though there is a documented phenomenon where stepchildren are, statistically, more likely to be abused than biological children of both parents, there are sadly plenty of abusive parents who do not discriminate when it comes to doling out violence.

If Barbara fears that David Eason is abusive, then she might want to worry about all of her grandchildren.

Apparently, Jenelle is dismissive of Barbara’s fears.

“She says it’s none of my business. They won’t let me see Kaiser.”

For the record, if a child is being mistreated, it is the business of literally every good person on the planet.

Sadly, we don’t know if there’s much that we can do.

We can hope that Kaiser’s other grandmother, Nathan Griffith’s mother, is successful in obtaining custody of the boy.

Beyond that, we can mostly just hope (and pray, if you’re the praying sort) that reports that Jenelle Evans is pregnant with her fourth child are false.

Even if the allegations of abuse are false, the dynamic that we’ve seen between Jenelle and David on Teen Mom 2 is toxic. No child deserves to be born into that.

Don’t you wish that Barbara could just adopt all of them? We’re sure that she does.
