Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Maksim Chmerkovskiy Just Wrote the Sweetest Note to Vanessa Lachey

It looks like we can put rumors of a Dancing with the Stars feud to rest.

Last Monday night, after Maksim Chmerkovskiy skipped out on an episode of this popular ABC competition, multiple outlets reported that he and partner Vanessa Lachey do not get along.

But that’s putting it mildly.

They pretty much hate each other and are “miserable,” an insider told Us Weekly, citing dueling stubborn and strong personalities as the basis for this alleged beef.

But Chmerkovskiy quickly tried to quell such chatter, issuing an apology to Lachey for his absence and saying he was psyched to make a return this past Monday night.

And return he did!

Vanessa and Maksim performed an strong Rumba that earned then 24 out of a possible 30 points.

You can watch this routine in full via the video at the top of the post.

Equally as impressive as the performance, however, was the raw honesty showed by Lachey.

In the pre-taped video package that aired before she took the floor, Lachey explained how she nearly died after giving birth at just 29 weeks to her son in December.

After little Phoenix entered the world, Lachey told viewers that she was rushed in to emergency surgery.

“I was on the operating bed and I looked up and I didn’t know a single face and I remembered thinking I hope the baby’s okay and don’t worry about me. Just make him okay,” she said on air, fighting back tears.

Chmerkovskiy listened closely to this harrowing account during the installment.

And now he’d like to share a few thoughts he has about his partner.

“Everything I ever want for my partners is literally what @vanessalachey has brought to the dance floor last night. Raw, unapologetic, real emotion expressed through a beautiful dance,” Chmerkovskiy Tweeted.

Very handsome and considered a strong stud muffin, Maksim also admitted that Lachey’s story tugged at his heartstrings.


“Yesterday also marked the first time when I completely lost it right before the dance… I rarely cry but this was something different, something I’ve yet to experience watching someone else’s story,” he wrote, addressing Vanessa and adding:

“”I’m proud of you partner! They can say what they want but you’re a star and I wouldn’t want to be on this rollercoaster with anyone but you!

“And we have so many more of these moments to share with each other, and everyone else who couldn’t stop their tears…#teamBabiesAndBallroom #DWTS #NeverADullMoment.”

We love it.

We hope to continue seeing Lachey and Chmerkovskiy on the dance floor for many weeks to come.

They’re our new favorites this season!
