Showing posts with label Sweetest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sweetest. Show all posts

Sunday, December 17, 2017

Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez Fly to Seattle for Sweetest "Virgin" Date Ever

Justin Bieber swept Selena Gomez off her feet and plied her full of sugar … no booze. The reunited couple was in the Seattle area Saturday night, and hit up the Sugar Factory in Bellevue, WA. Sources close to SG and JB tell us they spent some…


Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Maksim Chmerkovskiy Just Wrote the Sweetest Note to Vanessa Lachey

It looks like we can put rumors of a Dancing with the Stars feud to rest.

Last Monday night, after Maksim Chmerkovskiy skipped out on an episode of this popular ABC competition, multiple outlets reported that he and partner Vanessa Lachey do not get along.

But that’s putting it mildly.

They pretty much hate each other and are “miserable,” an insider told Us Weekly, citing dueling stubborn and strong personalities as the basis for this alleged beef.

But Chmerkovskiy quickly tried to quell such chatter, issuing an apology to Lachey for his absence and saying he was psyched to make a return this past Monday night.

And return he did!

Vanessa and Maksim performed an strong Rumba that earned then 24 out of a possible 30 points.

You can watch this routine in full via the video at the top of the post.

Equally as impressive as the performance, however, was the raw honesty showed by Lachey.

In the pre-taped video package that aired before she took the floor, Lachey explained how she nearly died after giving birth at just 29 weeks to her son in December.

After little Phoenix entered the world, Lachey told viewers that she was rushed in to emergency surgery.

“I was on the operating bed and I looked up and I didn’t know a single face and I remembered thinking I hope the baby’s okay and don’t worry about me. Just make him okay,” she said on air, fighting back tears.

Chmerkovskiy listened closely to this harrowing account during the installment.

And now he’d like to share a few thoughts he has about his partner.

“Everything I ever want for my partners is literally what @vanessalachey has brought to the dance floor last night. Raw, unapologetic, real emotion expressed through a beautiful dance,” Chmerkovskiy Tweeted.

Very handsome and considered a strong stud muffin, Maksim also admitted that Lachey’s story tugged at his heartstrings.


“Yesterday also marked the first time when I completely lost it right before the dance… I rarely cry but this was something different, something I’ve yet to experience watching someone else’s story,” he wrote, addressing Vanessa and adding:

“”I’m proud of you partner! They can say what they want but you’re a star and I wouldn’t want to be on this rollercoaster with anyone but you!

“And we have so many more of these moments to share with each other, and everyone else who couldn’t stop their tears…#teamBabiesAndBallroom #DWTS #NeverADullMoment.”

We love it.

We hope to continue seeing Lachey and Chmerkovskiy on the dance floor for many weeks to come.

They’re our new favorites this season!


Monday, July 17, 2017

Nick Lachey Posts the Sweetest Anniversary Tribute for Vanessa, Awww!

We’re no strangers to Nick Lachey and Vanessa’s adorable holiday cards, so we’re not really surprised to see that Nick Lachey’s anniversary message to his wife is hopelessly touching.

It’s been six years, you guys!

Doesn’t it seem like, if not just yesterday, not that long ago that Nick Lachey and Jessica Simpson were inseparable?

But those two divorced over a decade ago, and you know what? We’re delighted.

Nick and Vanessa found each other soon after that breakup and they are precious together.

Jessica Simpson is still gorgeous and she’s happy and living her best life.

(Seriously, check out her butt right now — we’ll wait)

Nick and Vanessa have three kids together, and Nick’s been investing in legal marijuana and a big proponent for legalizing it in more states.

But Nick is, first and foremost, wildly in love with Vanessa, and he’s reminding the world of it with this photo and its caption.

First of all, that’s clearly a photograph of a photograph — and we think that he snapped this of a wall-mounted picture.

That speaks volumes to how important their relationship is to both of them.

And then there’s Nick’s captions:

“Six years ago today, I took this beautiful woman as my wife and the life we’ve built together is more incredible than anything I could have ever imagined!!”


“Through all of the laughter, tears, triumphs, and challenges, you are my unconditional rock.”

It’s so important that he talks about the emotional range involved, you know?

Not all of marriage is bliss, but overall, a relationship should make you happy.

“I love you and our family more than you will ever know.”

We think that she has some idea.

“Thanks for your patience, support, and love. Thanks for being you.”

He even used the serial comma (also called the Oxford comma) — what a champ!

He ended it with the simplified message — and, of course, with an obligatory hashtag.

“Happy Anniversary!! #soulmate.”

Gotta have those hashtags.

Remember that while they’ve been married for six years, they started dating something like eleven years ago.

And despite one or two “hiccups” in their relationship during the dating phase, these two have been a consistent item.

A decade is a long time to get to know someone.

Half a decade is a good amount of time to wait while dating before getting married.

(Not just a few months, as the Duggars like to rush weddings because they do everything wrong)

But that’s just a general guideline.

Different people and different couples might click way faster — or might take years longer before they get that kind of certainty.

But Nick and Vanessa got to really get to know each other, before and after their wedding.

Nick and Jessica were followed everywhere by cameras to film their show, and doing that so early on proved to be disastrous.

(Kind of like what happened with Lauren Bushnell and Ben Higgins, to be honest — history loves to repeat itself)

There were a lot of factors behind Nick Lachey and Jessica Simpson’s breakup.

(A breakup that, at the time, was a huge deal)

They were both young and they were just different people.

Being constantly on camera so early in their relationship cannot have helped.

But the real lesson here is that when you find the person who’s perfect for you, your relationship can be truly and wildly successful.

Just don’t rush things or marry too young, basically.

Real love usually comes with real maturity.


Monday, February 27, 2017

Matt Barnes In Sweetest Custody War Ever (PHOTO)

Matt Barnes says he’s TRYING LIKE HELL to be a good dad — but his ex-wife is blocking him from spending precious quality time with his 8-year-old twin boys. His ex-wife, however, says Barnes is completely full of crap.
