Showing posts with label Awww. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Awww. Show all posts

Monday, October 16, 2017

Audrey Roloff Shares New Ember Jean Pictures! Awww!

As new parents, Audrey and Jeremy Roloff don’t have the kind of free time that they used to. Having a newborn consumes your entire life, but they’re getting by.

Thankfully, they’re not too busy to bring us little updates on social media. And by “updates,” we of coure mean photos.

New photos of the new parents and their precious Ember Jean.

While nothing is going to top seeing Ember Jean and Jackson Roloff hold hands, we’ve accepted that.

They’re both babies and they’re cousins and the preciousness of the two of them combines is overpowering.

But these new photos are also touching.

In addition to a couple of pics that we’d seen before, Audrey Roloff shared some new pictures of herself, Ember Jean, and Jeremy Roloff.

Though, as Audrey makes certain to clarify in the captions, the pictures are only “new” to the rest of the world.

As they were taken when Ember Jean was only one week old.

Audrey captioned the series of photos:

“So much LOVE!!! God blessed me beyond measure with these two.”

Of course, her devout Christian faith is a huge and integral part of Audrey’s brand, so that’s exactly how anyone familiar with Audrey would expect for her to frame her happiness.

“I just love them both more and more each day.”


“Our girl @dawn_photo took these precious photos for us when Ember was only a week old!”

That was, you guessed it, four weeks ago.

“How can she already be 5 weeks?! Ah!”

Weird to think that it was only 5 weeks ago when Ember Jean Roloff was born. Time flies!

Audrey finishes up her caption by promising that there is more to come:

“More photos of Ember’s nursery coming to the blog this week! #journeyofjerandauj #emberjean”

We’ll be excited to see those! Every nursery set-up is a little different.

It’s only been a little over two weeks since we first saw Ember Jean’s face

Or since we first saw it closely, anyway.

But now we just can’t get enough of her cute little self. We can’t wait to watch her develop a personality of her own and grow up as the first Roloff granddaughter.

Oh, and here’s a photo of this little cutie in a classic photo pose for fathers and newborn babies.

Precious beyond words!

You know, as much as we love the name “Ember,” something occurred to us just the other day.

Is Ember going to hear the singsong phrase “liar liar, pants on fire” at some point her life and have a sudden epiphany?

Because “Ember Jean” is, well, a name that could be translated to mean “fire pants.” If you had a character in a short story who lies a lot, an editor would tell you that you shouldn’t name them “Ember Jean.”

We know that Audrey and Jeremy have been agonizing over how to raise their baby as she gets older, so we imagine that they’ll come up with some ways to prepare her for some name-based teasing.

(Kids can be cruel, even if they don’t mean anything cruel by it, you know?)

We’re so glad that, despite being very busy and with good reason, Auj and Jer are finding the time to share their lives with the world.


Friday, September 15, 2017

Kailyn Lowry Shares a Cute New Baby Photo; Awww!

Kailyn Lowry may still not know what to name her baby, but she knows that she loves “Baby Lo.”

Earlier this month, she shared a photo honoring her third child’s one-month milestone.

And now she’s shared a new picture, wishing him a good morning. He’s growing up so fast, you guys!

Initially, Kailyn’s pregnancy with Chris Lopez’s baby was something of a mixed blessing.

On the plus side, she gets a super precious addition to her family.

On the down side, her ex-husband, Javi Marroquin, did not take it well. At all.

In fact, he went as far as to enter her home without permission to snoop around, which is a frightening thing for anyone to do — but especially for an ex.

Recently, though, it seems like Javi’s been mellowing out.

He’s been nice enough about Kailyn Lowry recently — even slamming Jenelle Evans in what some perceived as an indirect defense of Kailyn — that some wonder if Javi and Kailyn are back together.

It seems like they’ve at least warmed up to each other.

Maybe Javi has just had enough time to process that his ex got pregnant again and that this is something that happens in life. 

Who could stay mad about this little cutie?

There he is! Little “Baby Lo.”

Kailyn snapped this photo this week, sharing it on Instagram and captioning it “good morning.”

He looks so cute! But, like, of course he does. He’s a baby.

(Babies are one of my biggest weaknesses. Also dogs. And cats)

More significantly, he’s growing up so quickly!

Just a couple of weeks ago, Kailyn shared this photo for his one month milestone!

Baby Lo has visibly grown in such a short time!

It’s hard to believe that, for the longest time, Chris Lopez showed zero interest in being a father to their child.

He has shown up on Teen Mom 2 but, honestly, we’ll need to check back in, like, 10 years to see if Chris Lopez has been an actual father.

A cameo doesn’t cut it.

(We’ll also need to see if he’s a good father)

It seems that there’s been more to his reluctance than the fact that Chris Lopez is reluctant to be on camera.

Most baby daddies, even if they aren’t keep on assuming fatherhood, are happy to cash in on reality TV money.

As for baby names … it’s been more than a month and Kailyn just needs to decide.

Her other kids are Lincoln and Isaac — she knows what names are and she doesn’t even choose terrible ones.

If she can’t think of any name possibilities for baby number three, she should use an online baby name generator to choose 12 options and just choose from them.

If she already has a list but can’t narrow it down, she should get a circle of friends or maybe have a special episode and invite some experts over to coach her.

I’ll name her baby, if need be.

You know that she calls him “Baby Lo” after the last name of her baby daddy, Chris Lopez?

Like … “Lo” is also the first two names of “Lowry.” She’s so goofy.


Monday, July 17, 2017

Nick Lachey Posts the Sweetest Anniversary Tribute for Vanessa, Awww!

We’re no strangers to Nick Lachey and Vanessa’s adorable holiday cards, so we’re not really surprised to see that Nick Lachey’s anniversary message to his wife is hopelessly touching.

It’s been six years, you guys!

Doesn’t it seem like, if not just yesterday, not that long ago that Nick Lachey and Jessica Simpson were inseparable?

But those two divorced over a decade ago, and you know what? We’re delighted.

Nick and Vanessa found each other soon after that breakup and they are precious together.

Jessica Simpson is still gorgeous and she’s happy and living her best life.

(Seriously, check out her butt right now — we’ll wait)

Nick and Vanessa have three kids together, and Nick’s been investing in legal marijuana and a big proponent for legalizing it in more states.

But Nick is, first and foremost, wildly in love with Vanessa, and he’s reminding the world of it with this photo and its caption.

First of all, that’s clearly a photograph of a photograph — and we think that he snapped this of a wall-mounted picture.

That speaks volumes to how important their relationship is to both of them.

And then there’s Nick’s captions:

“Six years ago today, I took this beautiful woman as my wife and the life we’ve built together is more incredible than anything I could have ever imagined!!”


“Through all of the laughter, tears, triumphs, and challenges, you are my unconditional rock.”

It’s so important that he talks about the emotional range involved, you know?

Not all of marriage is bliss, but overall, a relationship should make you happy.

“I love you and our family more than you will ever know.”

We think that she has some idea.

“Thanks for your patience, support, and love. Thanks for being you.”

He even used the serial comma (also called the Oxford comma) — what a champ!

He ended it with the simplified message — and, of course, with an obligatory hashtag.

“Happy Anniversary!! #soulmate.”

Gotta have those hashtags.

Remember that while they’ve been married for six years, they started dating something like eleven years ago.

And despite one or two “hiccups” in their relationship during the dating phase, these two have been a consistent item.

A decade is a long time to get to know someone.

Half a decade is a good amount of time to wait while dating before getting married.

(Not just a few months, as the Duggars like to rush weddings because they do everything wrong)

But that’s just a general guideline.

Different people and different couples might click way faster — or might take years longer before they get that kind of certainty.

But Nick and Vanessa got to really get to know each other, before and after their wedding.

Nick and Jessica were followed everywhere by cameras to film their show, and doing that so early on proved to be disastrous.

(Kind of like what happened with Lauren Bushnell and Ben Higgins, to be honest — history loves to repeat itself)

There were a lot of factors behind Nick Lachey and Jessica Simpson’s breakup.

(A breakup that, at the time, was a huge deal)

They were both young and they were just different people.

Being constantly on camera so early in their relationship cannot have helped.

But the real lesson here is that when you find the person who’s perfect for you, your relationship can be truly and wildly successful.

Just don’t rush things or marry too young, basically.

Real love usually comes with real maturity.
