Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Nathan Griffith to Jenelle Evans: Quit Lying and Just Be a Good Mom!

So hey, who do you think is more trustworthy, Jenelle Evans or Nathan Griffith?

If that question makes you want to scream and cry and rip your face off, you’re not alone.

After all, Jenelle and Nathan are both terrible in their own, special ways.

With Jenelle, we’ve seen her bad behavior in action for years on Teen Mom 2 — her frequent arrests for drugs and assaults, the way she constantly chooses men over her children, the horrible way she treats her mother, that bizarre habit she has of being completely and totally delusional.

We could go on and on, obviously.

But while Jenelle is awful, Nathan is no gem himself. He’s got several DUIs, not to mention all those domestic violence charges, and the way he treated Jenelle when they were dating was just reprehensible.

It’s really, really hard to support either of them for any reason whatsoever.

Still, we’re going to have to go ahead and declare ourselves Team Nathan for the moment, as shameful as that may be.

See, the Teen Mom universe is still reeling from that great big fight Jenelle and Nathan had over the weekend, the one that was so bad that it stopped production on the Teen Mom 2 reunion show.

When we first heard about the fight, sources claimed that the issue began when Jenelle saw Nathan’s girlfriend, Ashley Landhardt, hug her mother.

Jenelle went off on Ashley, Nathan stepped in to defend her, and then Jenelle called in David Eason, all while a gaggle of Teen Mom kids were playing nearby.

In that original report, Jenelle came off as pretty unhinged, just like always, but she hopped on Instagram on Sunday to explain her side of the story.

In her version of events, Ashley attacked her out of nowhere, and she was so aggressive that MTV security had to pin her against the wall to stop her from coming after her.

Poor Jenelle, the perpetual victim, was simply trying to give her son a hug, but Nathan wouldn’t allow it, even though Kaiser was screaming for Jenelle and David throughout the fight.

She was hurt because Nathan was trying to keep her from Kaiser, and because her mother had hugged her ex’s new girlfriend when she hadn’t hugged her.

It sure is tough to be Jenelle.

But after she posted her video, Nathan posted one of his own.

And it sounds like he remembers things going down differently.

According to Nathan, Jenelle’s claim that Ashley attacked her is “a straight lie,” and what really happened was that Jenelle came up behind Ashley to tell her “I thought you didn’t want to film, bitch.”

He says that Ashley actually didn’t film anything, and she has no interest in doing so — she hasn’t signed a release, so he can’t even mention her name on the show. She was just there to support him.

It’s not really clear why Ashley filming would be a big deal anyway, since goodness knows Jenelle’s had plenty of significant others who were eager for MTV stardom.

But anyway.

Nathan says that he tried to pull Ashley away from Jenelle, and that he told her not to engage with the drama, but Jenelle wouldn’t leave them alone.

Things got so bad that he asked a producer for security to take her away from them, but that never happened — he thinks it’s because he’s a guy and Jenelle, the person doing the attacking, is female.

He says that Jenelle chased them down the hall, and when they got to the area where his mother, Doris, was, she started yelling at her, too.

He also calls her out for insisting on MTV paying for her to stay in a rental home while the rest of the cast members (including her own children) stayed in a hotel because she was concerned about her safety following the Las Vegas shootings.

You can’t make this stuff up, friends.

From there, Nathan reveals that he actually brought his own drug tests for Jenelle and David to do on the show to prove that they’re clean, but they refused.

That part makes sense, obviously — don’t act like you’d agree to a drug test under those bizarre circumstances — but he did say that it may have been because David “looked higher than a f-cking kite.”

Then, in a rare moment of wisdom, he says that “Everybody just needs to get along. Everybody needs to surround this kid with love.”

“I don’t care what we had in the past, these kids just need love, and they’re going to absorb all this hate and all this violence around them, and you can’t raise kids like that.”

“She needs to be drug tested,” he insists, “she needs to start taking responsibility of these children and start being an involved parent that doesn’t worry about herself or what’s going on in everybody else’s life.”

How’s that for some real talk?

Next, Nathan addressed Jenelle’s claims that Kaiser was crying for David — he said that never happened, that he did cry for Jenelle a few times, but only because he wasn’t giving him what he wanted at the time.

After the fight, he says that Kailyn Lowry didn’t even film her segment because she didn’t want her kids to be around that kind of nonsense.

And during it, Chelsea Houska offered to take Kaiser into a separate room and take care of him until Jenelle could be calmed.

Because everyone is cool, it seems, except for Jenelle.

Then Ashley herself steps in and confirms his story, adding that she has no problem with Jenelle, and she just wants Jenelle and Nathan to be able to co-parent peacefully.

Someone leaves a comment on the video, suggesting that Jenelle is being so difficult because she’s still in love with Nathan, and she seems to agree.

We’d have to agree too — Jenelle seems pretty darn jealous in all this.

And Nathan’s story seems a whole, whole lot more believable than hers.

Your move, Jenelle!
