Friday, November 10, 2017

Newsweek Gets Blasted for Inflatable Penis Cover

For its November 17 issue, Newsweek has published a cover story that focuses on the #MeToo movement.

Focusing on the fact that women now feel empowered to speak out against famous men who have acted inappropriately over the years (from Harvey Weinstein to Kevin Spacey to Louis C.K.), the publication asks:

#MeToo is taking down powerful men in all fields. Is Donald Trump next?

But it does so alongside the photo of a pin popping a penis balloon, prompting many Internet users to ask: WTH?!?

Why must the implication here by that women are actively hurting men by simply calling them out for sexual harassment or assault?

Women don"t have some problem with penises. They have a problem with guys who act like dicks, basically.

Scroll down for a look at what people are saying about this controversy:

1. The Controversial Cover

The controversial cover

It’s not hard to see why folks have an issue with this image, right?

2. So, the Problem is That Men Have Dicks?

So the problem is that men have dicks

And women should fix that problem by injuring said dicks? Is that the message here?

3. These Women Were Assaulted

These women were assaulted

They just want justice. Not revenge.

4. Tone Deaf… to the Max

Tone deaf to the max

This cover is just missing the entire point.

5. All the Nope

All the nope

This isn’t our favorite saying, but we agree with the sentiment.

6. BOOM!


This one says it all.

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