Monday, November 6, 2017

Josh Duggar WINS Stolen Photo Catfish Lawsuit!

The legal system has been quite kind to Josh Duggar.

Despite revelations that Josh molested five young girls in his youth, the father of five has never served prison time, nor seen the inside of a courtroom for his crimes.

Now, Josh is enjoying a different kind of legal victory, and yet again, he never even had to go in front of a judge.

Back in August of 2016, Josh was sued by Matthew McCarthy, a Los Angeles-based DJ who claimed that Josh had ruined his career by stealing his photos for use on various dating profiles.

McCarthy says he was harassed with nicknames like “Duggar boy toy,” and potential clients refused to hire him for fear of being associated with the sex scandal.

He’s suing Josh for undisclosed damages, claiming that the damage to his public image is irreparable.

Fortunately for Josh, a judge threw the case out last week, due to a legal technicality.

It seems McCarthy filed in the wrong state, and will need to re-file in Arkansas for his case to be considered.

McCarthy wanted the case tried in his home state of California, citing Josh’s two trips there in 2013 and 2015 as grounds for his filing.

It seems, however, that the judge saw McCarthy’s argument for what it was–an effort to avoid traveling to Arkansas to pursue a frivolous lawsuit.

Yes, far be it for us to side with Josh freakin’ Duggar of all people, but does anyone really believe this DJ’s career was ruined by Josh using his pic on OK Cupid?

Josh’s crimes are revolting, to be sure, but something about the image of people following McCarthy down Sunset and harassing him with jeers of “Duggar boy toy” just seems a little far-fetched to us.

Perhaps if Josh had set out to ruin McCarthy’s career, but the former reality star says he found the image googling “random guy.”

Don’t get us wrong, Josh deserves every negative consequence in the world for his crimes.

He should’ve done prison time and been forced to shell out millions in restitutions to his victims.

But an LA DJ attempting to cash in due to imagined damages just feels a bit cynical to us.

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