Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Kate Gosselin vs. Jon Gosselin: Explosive Custody Battle Ahead?!?

We’re very sorry.

We know you don’t want to hear any more about Kate Gosselin and Jon Gosselin.

Trust us: we don’t want to write about them, either.

But the Former Couple Who Never Seems to Entirely Go Away is back in the news and, based on this latest report, may continue to be in the news for several weeks to come.

Because an ugly custody battle is allegedly brewing between the parents of eight.

According to Hollywood Life, Jon Gosselin actually has his life together now and, as a result, he wants to spend a lot more time with his children.

Kate and Jon, of course, are the parents to 13-year old sextuplets and 18-year old twins.

They formerly anchored Jon and Kate Plus 8 on TLC until a pretty nasty break-up and subsequent divorce prompted the cancelation of that reality series.

Kate now has primary custody of the kids, so much so that she stars in Kate Plus 8 along with the kids. 


“[Jon’s] doing everything he can to win their next custody battle,” an insider tells the aforementioned website, adding;

“He’s totally overhauled his life, he’s even back working a regular job again.”

It’s about time, some might say.

Jon worked as a DJ and even a stripper for awhile after becoming single, clearly suffering through some kind of mid-life crisis.

But he’s now working as an I.T. administrator and earning “decent pay,” the Hollywood Life source claims, expounding as follows:

“He knows that’s what he has to do to get his kids back. He’s really hopeful that this will help him get more time with his kids.”

Controversy has arisen of late over Kate’s treatment of Collin.

The young teenager has been confirmed to have some kind of behavioral issue and has been sent away… somewhere.

But no one close to the Gosselins will say what’s going on with him and fans continue to be concerned that Collin has been practically kicked out of the family.

“The way Kate is handling things with Collin breaks Jon’s heart, but he has no say,” a source previously told Hollywood Life.

“She controls everything, it’s her way or the highway when it comes to the kids, including Collin.”

Jon and Kate don’t have much contact these days, but when they do… well… THINGS GET UGLY.

We can’t imagine the sort of vitriol that will be spat back and forth if these two end up on opposite sides in court again.

Okay, fine, we can imagine.

And that’s why we get sad just thinking of writing more about these two going forward.
