Friday, January 12, 2018

Jennifer Aniston & Justin Theroux: Headed For Divorce Because of Brad Pitt?!

As you’ve no doubt heard by now, Brad Pitt is a single man, having separated from Angelina Jolie back in September of 2016.

His first wife, Jennifer Aniston, is very much not single, having married Justin Theroux in 2015.

But that hasn’t stopped the taboid press from reporting that these old flames are eager to rekindle their romance.

Of course, for these two A-listers to get back together, that means the pesky C-lister getting in their way will need to be disposed of.

Thus, gossip columnists the world over are employing the trick most often used by screenwriters of romantic comedies in which one half of the meet-cute pair is already taken.

Yes, they’re leaning hard on the “Uh, her husband is a douche and they were already having problems before the hero entered the picture” narrative.

According to Life & Style, Jen and Justin have spent most of the past year apart.

The magazine claims they only recently reunited for a New Year’s Eve trip to Mexico … and they brought a huge group of friends along to make the situationless awkward.

“They chose to go with friends during this particularly difficult time during their marriage. A week alone would’ve been too strained,” the insider adds.

“Had they been alone, the insider suspects, they would’ve been dealing with some uncomfortable conversations. They felt it would be easier and more relaxed to have some friends come along.”

The source adds that Aniston and Theroux have basically come to terms with the fact that they’re marriage is coming to an end, but they’re still trying to hide the truth from members of their inner circle.

“The truth is that the marriage has been crumbling,” the insider says.

“It’s not make-or-break time for them and their marriage.”

Of course, all of this couldn’t come at a worse time, as Aniston has reportedly fallen back under Pitt’s spell in recent months.

“Brad and Jen have bonded like never before over the past year,” a friend of theirs tells In Touch.

“And they’ve been helping each other through their respective troubles.”

Look, we suppose there’s a possibility this is really happening, but it all sounds a little too close to what magazines like In Touch and Life & Style would want to happen for it to be entirely believable.

The only thing this story is missing is Brad Ross-ing out on Jen and justifying baning Jolie with “We were on a break!”
