Friday, January 26, 2018

Grey"s Anatomy Season 14 Episode 10 Recap: Personal Jesus

Wait a minute!

Who would have thought that Grey’s Anatomy would still be throwing crazy twists our way after fourteen years on the air?

Grey’s Anatomy Season 14 Episode 10 was filled with enough twists to last a whole season. 

We picked up in the immediate aftermath of Paul Stadler being brought into the hospital after an alleged hit and run. 

Jo and Alex were pleading innocence to Meredith who was floating the idea of them both fleeing to Canada in case they were arrested. 

The surprising thing about it was that Jenny even thought Jo was the one to do it, and that set off alarm bells for everyone. 

Paul’s condition, however, gave Jo and Jenny time to compare notes on the abuse they encountered at the hands of him. 

It gave Jenny the courage to confront a bedridden Paul who lashed out at her in front of Jo and Meredith. 

When he tried to get up from his bed to attack Jenny, he tripped and smacked his head on the bottom of the bed. 

This rendered him brain-dead, and Jo was the one who got to decide to pull the plug on him, and his organs were donated for the greater good. 

The moment Jo learned she got to be the one to pull the plug, she burst into laughter. It was poignant. She got to take down her abuser and no longer had to live in fear. 

Meredith later confirmed that a drunk driver knocked Paul down so nobody had to make their way to Canada. 

April was struggling to keep the faith after her patient, Eric died. The kid was shot by a cop while he tried to enter his own home. 

Jackson backed April up several times as the police tried to get a statement from the kid before everything went South. 

Things for April were far from over. Ruby, the woman Matthew moved on with after April left him at the altar a few seasons back, was in the hospital. 

April helped deliver her baby, but the woman’s organs started failing. Ruby passed away, and Matthew was left all alone with the new child. 

Earlier in the episode, he was talking about how much he loved her and how April leaving him was a blessing in disguise. April made her way to the bar. 

That’s when the new intern, Vik got close to her and, well, we’re sure you know what happened next. 

Will April be able to find her faith or has losing three people in one day ruined it for her?

Hit the comments below. 

Grey’s Anatomy continues next Thursday on ABC. 
