Monday, January 29, 2018

Amy Roloff Congratulates Jacob Roloff & Isabel Rock on Their Engagement!

On Sunday, fans of Little People, Big World were so pleased to see that Jacob Roloff is engaged to girlfriend Isabel Rock.

It’s big news for Roloff family’s (former?) black sheep. And his mom, with whom he’s recently repaired his relationship, has taken to Instagram to offer big congratulations.

Amy Roloff’s persistent haters will be pleased to know that Amy Roloff isn’t “exploiting” Jacob to sell bread … this time.

When Jacob Roloff began to reconnect with his family, the first big clue was when he began hanging out with his mom again.

Fans knew that Jacob was back in his mom’s life because Amy Roloff shared a photo with Jacob Roloff’s dog. At the time, it seemed that Jacob wasn’t ready to be part of the family brand again just yet.

Now, he’s come a long way.

Jacob Roloff had a birthday celebration with his mom Amy and the whole family (except for Matt).

He even buried the hatchet with sister-in-law Audrey Roloff, more or less quashing the feud rumors that had followed them both.

And if you worried that Jacob’s dad missed his 21st birthday altogether, fear not. He just wasn’t there for the early celebration at Amy’s.

In fact, Matt and Amy set aside their differences to celebrate Jacob’s birthday. Not exactly the wild party that most people picture for a 21st birthday, but maybe he did that, too.

But the big news, of course, is that Jacob is now engaged to his girlfriend, Isabel Rock.

Back in September, Isabel made reference to a “life-changing decision” on Instagram.

That could have meant all sorts of things, including a reference to spending more time with Jacob’s family.

But many fans wondered at the time if Isabel was referring to an engagement between her and Jacob. Marriage — and the engagements that lead up to such a union — is definitely life-changing.

However, they didn’t get engaged in September. They also didn’t get engaged over the weekend, even though they shared the news on Sunday.

No, Jacob and Isabel got engaged while in Iceland. That sounds like a beautiful place for a proposal.

Amy took to Instagram and celebrated the news in her captions.

“And this happened! I couldn’t be a happier mom!”

Of course — Jeremy is married to Audrey, Zach is married to Tori, Molly is married to Joel (don’t forget Molly and Joel!), and now:

“My youngest- Jacob and the beautiful Isabel are engaged.”

21 is very young to be engaged, but it’s exciting nonetheless. And Jacob and Isabel are so sweet.

Amy’s over the moon about it.

“Love them both and excited to see where life will take them in their marriage!”

Amy included numerous, perhaps excessive, hashtags in her captions:

“#amyssecondactcontinues #engagedtomarry #forthroloffwedding #love [two red heart emojis] #wonderfultogether @moniqueserraphotography”

Even if Amy or any of the other Roloffs have private objections — maybe Jacob really is too young, after all — it’s always best to be encouraging.

If things work out, you’re not the bad guy. If things don’t work out, you can say “oh no!” and still not be the bad guy. It’s win-win.

But we don’t think that Amy’s biting her tongue. She seems genuinely enthused. And why wouldn’t she be? Jacob and Isabel found each other and now they’re both in Amy’s life.

Some, however, feel that Audrey Roloff’s new Instagram post was an epic vaguepost about Jacob and Isabel.

“Some words on dating from a Christian perspective…”

That’s exactly how fans familiar with her brand would expect Audrey’s post to begin.

“Let’s just say you recently hurried into a relationship, dabbled with sexual intimacy, and then became emotionally attached.”

That sounds like … what dating usually is.

“The main problem with this scenario is that it blinds you to red flags. It’s the classic ‘love at first sight’ trap.”

I can’t say that I always see eye-to-eye with Audrey, but … she’s not wrong about that part.

“You begin to see the person you are dating as the “the most talented, most interesting, and most extraordinary person in the universe” (If you don’t get that reference, please go watch The Lego Movie after you finish this book. It’s sure to solve all your dating problems).”

If this is a thinly veiled attack on Jacob and his fiancee, it might be the first vaguepost we’ve ever seen that references The Lego Movie.

Her advice at this point is just to listen to your friends and family when they warn you about the person you’re dating. But, like the words of one’s friends and family, that’s as likely as anything to fall on deaf ears when somebody’s head over heels.

So … is Audrey really vagueing about Isabel Rock?

Well … she could be, sure.

Or she could be making a jab at Jacob, the one with whom she’s (allegedly) had issues in the past. Maybe she tried to warn Isabel that Jacob’s “no good.” And she does write this advice as directed at women.

But, quite frankly, we have no idea and we shouldn’t rush to conclusions.

Audrey may have not even thought of possible parallels to her family when she wrote this. Remember, she must have known about the couple’s engagement for a while, now.

And surely, if she were going to throw shade, she’d be a little more subtle about it.

… Right?
